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15-Jan-2005 05:34 AM
 [IREX] Short-Term US Embassy Policy Specialist Program Post Reply
Location: Germany
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[IREX] Short-Term US Embassy Policy Specialist Program (EPS) Deadline: March 1, 2005

Short-Term US Embassy Policy Specialist Program (EPS) Application
Deadline: March 1, 2005

The Short-Term US Embassy Policy Specialist Program (EPS) offers US
senior scholars an opportunity to conduct research abroad while serving
as experts to a US embassy or consulate. Successful applicants will
demonstrate how their experience, skills, and knowledge will benefit US
Embassy personnel, as well as the academic merit and feasibility of
their proposed research.

Grantees will serve the embassy or consulate and conduct their own
research for approximately one month. Grant length and dates will be
decided upon in consultation with the specific embassy or consulate.
Examples of embassy service can include attending meetings, giving
lectures, writing policy papers, assisting with grant panels, and
consulting with embassy policy staff.

This year, EPS is accepting applications in the following fields and

1. Baku, Azerbaijan: economic diversity, religious pluralism, or civic
education (specifically as it relates to anti-
corruption and election issues)
2. Tashkent, Uzbekistan: media
3. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan: ethics/anti-corruption or academic honesty
4. Vladivostok, Russia: crime and corruption

Application materials may be downloaded from the EPS website at or requested from IREX.

For more information on this program, please contact IREX via e-mail at, or telephone at 202-628-8188.

The EPS Program is funded by the United States Department of State
(Title VIII Program) and administered by IREX.

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