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21-Oct-2000 05:02 AM
Hey, guys & girls!

This information is of great help for everyone who is going to travel during winter break.

As we are a foreign students in the US and ACTR give us only $170 per month, so we can say for sure that we lack money (as a matter of fact, there is always not enough of it). That's why I wonna to suggest you such a way of saving money.

There is an organization called Christmas International. Its main purpose is to help international students with traveling expenses during winter break. How? In such a way: they place students in host families or hotels (if host families are not available) for the time of a program. They also do not charge any additional prices for food while you are in a program. As a rule, a program begins on December, 20-25 and ends on January, 2-4. The only money you will have to pay are:
- tickets to and from the place of a program
- registration fee ($45 before November,11; $55 - after that date).

As you can see you can save lots of money. Suppose the program lasts one week. You will save about $150-180 on food, $300-400 on a hotel room (consider about $50 for a room per a night - it is the minimume price!).

They provide different programs in lots of states of the US, mostly in the center of it. For those who likes warmness, they have some programs in FL, AL, TX, GA, etc. Wonna to add: you will not need to be a regular churchgoer there or listen to all those masses they usually have during a year. You will just have to participate in different cultural activities such as International Evening (national kitchens, talks, etc) and others. Do not be afraid of it - You will have enough free time to do what you want to - going sighseeing (though they have such a line in their cultural programs), going to the movie, clubs, and so on as you wish.

If you need further information about this organization - here is the address:

Application and programs with the appropriate states can be found there.

Hurry up, because some of the programs are already full.



[ This message was edited by: Igor_Proper on: 10-21-2000 04:57 ]

[ This message was edited by: Igor_Proper on: 10-21-2000 04:59 ]

[ This message was edited by: Igor_Proper on: 10-21-2000 05:01 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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