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22-Jan-2001 08:04 PM
Pipel! A u nas Russian party on Jan. 26!
Discoteka, kontsert, konkursy, tolpa narodu!
Gudet' budem!
Priezzhay komu ne len'! Budet fun!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Jan-2001 10:58 PM
 Re: PARTY!!!
For the ones who do not know yet:

The party will be organized in Lincoln, Nebraska

You are more than welcome to come!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 01:06 AM
 Re: PARTY!!!
Probeite mne tachilu, a takzhe zhituhu. I esche sdelaite za menya uroki i shodite na rabotu, togda ya k vam priedu.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 01:15 AM
 Re: PARTY!!!
Hello, Yerkin!

Who wants is looking for a way to do it, who does not -is looking for excuses.
Stay home, if it makes you happy
In case if you change your mind (unlikely, though), you are WELCOME to come

P.S. "Jituha" eto ne problema...

[ This message was edited by: dornabella on: 1-25-2001 02:14 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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