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16-Sep-2004 01:46 PM
 "Learning together about Youth Projects"; Moldova Post Reply
Location: Germany
Home Coutry:
Dear Friends

Forum for 21st Century Leaders NGYO is looking for participants (4 young
people) for youth exchange "Learning together about Youth Projects"
taking place in Moldova, 1-11 October 2004.

Aim of the project: to teach young people about European Communnity
funded YOUTH programme, which is all about youth mobility within europe,
youth exchanges and cross-border volunteering!

Method: Armenian, Hungarian, Moldovian, Portugese, Romanian, Ukrainian
young people will learn together about YOUTH programme in Moldova, under
the roof of experienced Romanian youth organisation.

Financial conditions: Accomodation, meals, local transportation, visa
costs and 70% of air tickets is provided by Organisers (Romanian Youth
Organisation Sakura with the grant from European Community YOUTH
programme) - sum will be reimbursed upon presendation of evidence
payment (bill, recept, credit card slip or tickets etc...)

Application procedure: interested young people that filled in the
application form (see below) will be contacted by

telephone for a short interview (only 2 questions: about motivation to
take part in this project and possible follow up).

Eligibility requirements: Participants must:

*Be aged 16-25 (only 1 exception can be made)

*Be able to communicate in English language

*Pay participation fee (which is 30% of travel expences=air tickets if
you travel by plane)

*Committment to participate in at least in 85% of activities

For more information about the project (day-to-day programme, leisure,
financial) look at the bottom of this messege. Should you have any
quesitons please don't hesitate to direct them to Gevorg Sedrakyan at


**gender-balance REQUIRES AT LEAST 2 out of 4 participants to be


Full Name (as in your passport):

Year of birth:


Country of Residence:

Contact tel. number:

Languages spoken:


Cost of the ticket:

Deadline: SEPTEMBER 21

sent your application letters to:



Gevorg Sedrakyan

Project Manager,

Forum for 21st Century leaders, Armenia

26 Nalbandian St., P.O. Box 60,

Yerevan 375010, Armenia

Tel: 374 9 431 642, Fax: + 374 1 523 563,


Work programme - Daily programme of the project:

"Learning together about YOUTH projects"

30 09 2004 Arrival of the participants at the training

- 10.00 -16.00 - Arrival of the participants in Chisinau.

- 20.00 - 21.30 - General presentation of the programme, games of
getting to know the group.

ZIUA 1 - 01 10 2004 Theme of the day: Getting Close and Knowing Each

- 09.30 - 13.00 - The official opening of the project :general
presentation of the programme, of the financing partners of the
organizers and of the associations participant in the project.

- 16.30 -18.00 - Games of knowing each other and of nonverbal

- 18.00 - 19.00 - Role plays -European Identity-I am You and You are Me.

- 20.00 - 22.30 - Welcome evening

ZIUA 2 - 02 10 2004 Theme of the day: Intercultural training-the 1st
step to the EU

- 09.30 - 10.00 - Programme presentation meeting .

- 10.00 - 13.00 - Workshop-The Intercultural Dimension -a necessity ,
within the project YOUTH of the European Commission.

- 16.00 - 19.00 - Workshop - "Similarities and differences between the
participant countries , regarding culture, language and Traditions"

- 21.00 - International evening - Romania, Hungary and

ZIUA 3 - 03 10 2004 Theme of the day: Tolerance-an essential condition
of the YOUTH Programme.

- 09.30 - 10.00 - Programme presentation meeting

- 10.00 - 13.00 - Workshop -Tolerance-an essential element of
communication between participants.

- 16.00 -19.00 - Workshop: Communication barriers-Social exclusion,
Language, Tradition, Religion and Culture-elements of troubling the
relationships between young people?

- 21.00 - International evenings - Moldova Republic, Armenia,

ZIUA 4 - 04 10 2004 Theme of the day: The YOUTH Programme of the
European Commission

- 09.30 - 10.00 - Programme presentation meeting

- 10.00 - 13.00 - Workshop - General presentation of the YOUTH Programme

- 16.00 - 19.00 - Workshop:- Action 1 - Youth exchanges.Questions and

- 21.00 - 22.00 - Mid-project evaluation

ZIUA 5 - 05 10 2004 Theme of the day: European Voluntary Service.

- 09.30 - 10.00 - Programme presentation meeting

- 10.00 - 13.00 - Workshop - Action 2 -

- 16.00 - 19.00 - Workshop: EVS and communication barriers.Solving

- 20.00 - 22.30 - Intercultural evening - Tolerance by music..

ZIUA 6 - 06 10 2004 Theme of the day: Youth Initiatives

- 09.30 - 10.00 - Programme presentation meeting

- 10.00 - 13.00 - Workshop - Action 3 - Youth Initiatives

- 16.00 - 19.00 - Workshop:Young people and life in the local

- 21.00 - 22.30 - Mime and games of themes promoted by participants.

ZIUA 7 - 07 10 2004 Theme of the day: Support Measures for the Actions
in the YOUTH Programme

- 09.30 - 10.00 - Programme presentation meeting

- 10.00 - 13.00 - Workshop - Action 5 -Support Measures

- 16.00 - 19.00 - Workshop: Support Measures- an alternative of learning
about the YOUTH Programme

ZIUA 8 - 08 10 2004 Theme of the day: Simulating and Creating Projects

- 09.30 - 10.00 - Programme presentation meeting

- 10.00 - 13.00 - Dividing the participants into working groups and
creating projects for 2005.

- 16.00 - 19.00 - Workshop : Projects 2005. Presentation of the first
projects realized by participants

- 21.00 - 22.00 - Work together Trainer and Participants.

ZIUA 9 - 09 10 2004 Theme of the day: Theme of the day: Am I a European

- 09.30 - 10.00 - Programme presentation meeting

- 10.00 - 13.00 - Presentation, by participants, of the projects to be
realized in 2005.

- 16.00 - 19.00 - Final evaluation of the programme.

- 20.00 - 22.30 - Good-bye evening.

ZIUA 10 - 10 10 2004 Departure of participants

- 10.00 - 13.00 - Departure of participants

MOTTO: I am very glad to invite you in my house, but tomorrow I would
visit you.

MOTTO: Imi face mare placere sa te invit la mine acasa, dar maine as
vrea sa te vizitez!

Asociatia pentru Tineret * SAKURA *O ASOCIATIE PENTRU TINEret


Sos. Grozavesti, nr.82, sector 6, Bucuresti, Romania

Phone/Fax 0040/21/6344912 and phone 0040/21/4107027 fax 0040/21/4118263

Mobil 004/0740011774


25-Sep-2004 03:56 PM
 Re: I am new Post Reply
Community member
Location: Moldova
Home Coutry:
HI!!!!!!! I am from Moldova, Marina

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The time now is: Thu Sep 10:09 pm
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