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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
19-Aug-2000 03:12 AM
  A v nashem zabitom sele ne vse spokoyno, potomu chto mu tut vseh skoro postroim...

Hi, again. This is from znoynaya Mississippi. U nas tut polnuy poryadoc.
Priinte, tolko chto havali - bobu i amerikanskie tyufteli. Vse greli v mikrovolnovke. Poluchilos' nichego, no vsetaki eto ne ukrainskiy borchsh.
Mikola, ya tebe blagodaren za pomosch. Obyazatelno peredam im v bank tvoi slova. Dumayu, im stoit zadumat'sya nad etim. A to ved' mogut but' problemu?!
A dojdicom tu zacepil nas, MSU, za jivoe. U nas tut takaya jara, chto prosto pizdec.
Kstati, moy roommate segodnya vecherom ob'yavilsya - zahoju ya znachit v svoyu komnatu, a on tam sidit.
Nu, v obschem, teperya ya ne odin.
Privet vsem (Kentucky in particular).
See you.
Znoynaya Mississippi.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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