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19-Sep-2000 04:21 AM
  !!!A vot i ya!! Aisuluu
Hi everyone! Well i just wanted to tell u hi and that i'm still alive. I'm too busy here with my classes and new friends. As my major is photojournalism, i took basic phtography class, which is very interesting for me. But it is also very expensive one. U know i need at least $200 to buy materials to develop and print out pictures. Of course i asked for help our mother ACTR/ACCELS to give me that money, but they said "no". Also i didn't have my own camera.But i was lucky to have very good adviser, she became my second mother here(kidding). They have some kinda International center here, where she is. So the director of this center gave me his camera, and said that i can work in their office. But i had to loan money from the university, and i'll give them my zarplata of my two months' work in their office, but then i will work just to have some pocket money. I work one hour a day, and it is $5. I do nothing special there, just some papres. But i didn't informed ACCELS about my job. I'll ask my advisor do it. But i didn't find anything else for Community Service. There r a lot organizations who do this community service; i think i'll join them. I got a question guys! What if i will not complete Community Service on time, and i will be late; Will they hold off my stipend of October and November months, or stipend of other two months? I hope this question is not too complicated to answer it. O'k now i gotta go. But will keep in touch.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Sep-2000 04:47 AM
 Re: !!!A vot i ya!! Aisuluu
Hi Aysuluu, glad to hear from you!
About community service, you better do it first thing. I'm not sure how ACCELS is gonna react to that, but I wouldn't advise you to take the risk by not doing what is required from you. And it shouldn't be hard to find community service, remember it is not a paid job!
Good luck! If you have any questions - ask!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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