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11-Sep-2000 08:30 PM
  Happy B-day, solnishko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Alena! How is the feeling of being elder than you was yesterday? Hope that you are not upset on this and all this day were happy and your spirit becames higher and higher with the every minute of this wonderful rainy day (ne znayu kak u vas, no u nas idet dojd'). I don't know what I can add to all the good words that you have resieved from all your friends, but hope that you will understand me anywhere. So, Alenochka, be everytime so fantastic and cool as everyone knows you. Gooooood luck in any of your beginnings and in your whole life. Let this year will be great not only in the reason that you spend it in this rassadnik kapitalisma with the name "USA", but also by the meeting such cool friends that we are. So, be a nice girl and enjoy every second of your life.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Sep-2000 04:49 AM
 Re: Happy B-day, solnishko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mikola,I almost cried,reading your message.Thank you.You know that was the best words I heard on my birthday.It was so nice.I had great time, I know Andrey told you about everything.I am so sorry we couldn't come to Ratmir's birthday.But I hope we'll meet some other time.I heard you had tough time there ;)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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The time now is: Wed Sep 03:09 am
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