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26-Aug-2001 06:25 PM
  Phone #
Ive got a new phone #. Its (647)283-3043. If someone is interested, you can call me, preferably in the evenings. OK, take care. Those who are in Ukraine, you guys can send me SMS, I would love to get them.
Take care. Taras.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

21-Sep-2001 02:09 PM
 Re: Phone #
Taras! have you ever got my messages on your cell-pnone??? Just wondering...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

21-Sep-2001 11:32 PM
 Re: Phone #
Hey Oles'ka!
Ya nichego ne poluchal!
A ty kak SMSki slala?? So svoyey truby ili s ineta?? LEt me know.
Samyi klobyi i vernyi sposob slat mne SMSki, eto cherez web-site moyego operatora. Idi suda:
Ili takzhe mozhesh mne na moy cell-email address slat, ok? TOgda ya ih tochno budu poluchat
Hope to hear from you soon, i ne zabud podpisyvatsa, shtoby ya ne dumal ne gadal ot kogo eto prishlo.
Hey, one more thing. Skin mne pozhalusta esho raz svoy home mailling address, ya hochu shtoto prislat tebe
Vso, poka.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Sep-2001 09:10 AM
 Re: Phone #
Hey Taras!
messagi svoi ya posulala via ICQ. Poprobyiy kak tu skazal, kogda bydet time. A to vremeni ni na chto katastroficheski ne hvataet... Blin, tak yzhe eta ycheba dostala!!!
Moj adres:
Ternopol, yl. Kievskaya, dom 10, kvartira 141. A chto tu mne vushlesh??? Zaintrigoval!!!...
Ladno, hope to hear from you soon.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Oct-2001 10:46 AM
 Re: Phone #
Ny a sechas tu yzhe got my message???
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Oct-2001 10:47 AM
 Re: Phone #
Ny a sechas tu yzhe got my message???
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Oct-2001 05:45 PM
 Re: Phone #
Mda, nu ty zver!! Takoy message mne v 6:30 UTRA prislala Ya chut s krovati ne svalilsa )) Seryozno, dolgo ne doganal, hto eto mne nochyu zvonit to, a tut takoy surpriz ) Thanks, hot ne vyspanyi no s messagem
Anyways, if serious, glad you managed to send a message. Was cool. U nas segodna prekrasnaya pogoda, pravda tozhe byli dozhdi. A tak vso ostalnoye, bolee-menee. Ya tebe pismeco s chemto v konce etoy nedeli otpravlu a to shas golak, pay check toka v Patnicu dadut. Zhyvut studenty veselo, ot zarplaty do zarplaty
Vso, papa, pishy, SMSki kiday, ili tam esho kak nibut.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Oct-2001 11:10 AM
 Re: Phone #
Sorry, Taras) Ya prosto v e-nete kak raz naverno togda, kogda tu spish) Sorry esli pomeshala chem-to) I mean maybe something was going on, this is night... and... you know...
Ok, spasibo esche za pismo i to, chto tu vusulaesh, whatever that is. Sgoraiy ot neterpeniya!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Oct-2001 10:07 PM
 Re: Phone #
Hahaha, thanks za message. Pravda on prishel okolo 5 utra!! Nu den koneshno ya horosho nachal, tolko vot ludshe by ne nachinal, a to blin osoznal skoko mne dohera vsego uchit nado!! )
HAve a nice night.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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