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15-Aug-2001 11:48 AM
Hey, guys,
well it is cool to see new people comin'to the portal, but it suxxx that those people whom i know and with whom i spent the endless evening talking in chat, lack internet now.
... maybe we'll manage to get to the portal, but later.
Anyway, first i didn't want to write anything as i thought that our time is gone now and we should give the road to the new people, it's life etc, everything has its end, but then... well, what's the hell!
WE, the founders fathers and ) mothers of this portal kindly let you in here, guys, and you didn't find anything better to do but to curse those people who created this portal....
Is it so hard to keep the polite manners???? Please, be polite, don't make enemies with us, as we don't want that, and i hope you neither.
well, it is still nice to see ya'll here as it mens that the portal will survive the dead silence )))

BTW, is here anyone who is in GA now ??????
WEll, for those people who had the orientation on the 7th of June in Kiev, i am that girl, Svetlana, from the Alumni Section of PDO, i remember that many of you took my e-mail, so if you do have any questions and problems, i am sure that me, Proper, Neo, and other "old people ))" will be more than glad to help you out.

Keep in touch )))
Neo, Proper, nice to see that you are controlling those new ) in our portal )))
miss ya'll )
and i am looking forward to organizing the new meeting in Kiev ))
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 01:32 PM
 Re: HELLO!!!
aaa... svetka....
nea.... eto vse proper control)) eto on tut policiya nravov)))) a ya tipa toko technical support

proper... ya bez rulya che ty ne mojesh zakonectitsya.... po IP net smusla... tak kak sisadminy banyat slovo "chat" v stroke adresa... a tut ego nety...

da, naschet as'ki... slush bro.. tu ee mojesh s ineta skachat'! zaydi na i postav' ottuda.... odin her shto tu messenger skachal...

sechas takoye kayfovoe nastroenie.... siju... vrubil centr na vsyu katushku.... i baldeyu ot Rammsteina! balkon otkrut... to moyu muzuku slushayut pol ulicy))

lana, take care guyz und gals!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 02:30 PM
 Re: HELLO!!!
Hello, Sveta!

Nice to have talked to you in Yahoo messenger )) About the meeting - it is a good didea. However, we will see - for now I am (and others) busy, and in addition, we can meet somewhere else. Will see ))

For Neo: listen, bro, ya tut uje i tak softa nelegalno nastavil. Esli posekut, takoy p***du dadut, chto i vo vek ne otdelaeshsya. Ya messenger postavil, t.k. potom esli chto - otmajus': mol, nado za pributiem pochtu sledit'. Da nikto i ne znaet, chto v nem est' chat. A esli ya as'ku postavlyu - vse srazu poymut. Ladno, stav' luchshe tu messenger toje ) I Roxy segodnya bula - poboltali.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Aug-2001 03:25 PM
 Re: HELLO!!!
Hehe, wazzup!
Sho novogo roskazhesh? Kak tam Khmelnickiy? ;) TY Marinky posle China uzhe videla? Sho tam govorit to? Kitaychikov malenkih s soboy ne prevezla?
Nu vso pishu.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Aug-2001 12:57 PM
 Re: HELLO!!!
Tarasische ))) privet )
kak delishki v Canade, man?
a to ty tak spriatalsia, niche ne pishesh!
Ia tak ne igraiu )))))
da, Marisha priehala iz Kitaia i pokazyvala kuchu klassnyh photok
nu ona tebe napishet e-mail
u tebia to chto novogo?
Davai, pishi, a to vse Lviv- Khmelnyskyi - drushba, a communication nikakoi ))))
privet Kanade ot menia lichno
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Aug-2001 03:32 AM
 Re: HELLO!!!
Old people!!! URRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Ya azh v Minnesote sebya pochuvstvovala ;). Sveta, vot chto ya skazhu:
DON'T YOU OLD PEOPLE DARE TO LEAVE THIS PORTAL. lol. Nu i chto chto trudno nekotorym iz nas nayti inet, zato my tut byli pervymi! . I just hope soon to see here a lot of people I knew once. Mashka s Sentyabrya mozhet k nam prisoedinit'sya back, u neyo iz Univera budet dostup. BTW, esdli kto tam uvidit Mashku (muslibu), to bol'shoy ey ot menya privet i love.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Aug-2001 12:16 AM
 Re: HELLO!!!
TOest MY!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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