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16-Aug-2001 10:22 PM
  Opyat opozdal
Blin, da chto zh eto takoye. Kak ni pridu, tak vse uzhe smilis. Eto ya v Indianapolise, dlya teh kto interesovalsya. Ya v IUPUI. Kstati, I need some help, if some of you have been here before-otzovis
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Aug-2001 12:21 AM
 Re: Opyat opozdal
Da zholtiye otzovites' Time on ochen' xoroshiy, i Neo, pomoymu ti pro Mississippi sprashival??? Nash tigran tam ego e-mail Ladno rebyat spasibo naschot subjects, u menya vsyo ok uzhe, no adviser vsyo ravno p-c no xudsheye to chto on professor moyego glavnogo klassa poetomu dumayu chto otnosheniya ne nado portit', da i vsyo ravno uzhe s subjects vsyo razabralis', thanx guys!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Aug-2001 12:36 AM
 Re: Opyat opozdal
Man!!! INDIANAPOLIS KICKS ASSES!!!! IUPUI DOES NOT unfortunately. Its a nice big school but its also a commuter's school so not many people living on campus,thats a huge minus! Hey! If you ever gonna take a ROTCy class at IUPUI find Captain Erbi, she is a nice black lady, and say HI from Taras OK? Their office is in the Union Building, 4th floor I guess! Damn, I have so many friends there, though I studied at Butler, thats like 20 minutes away from IUPUI. By the way,there are gonna be 3 ukrainians at Butler this year, and I RECOMEND you to see the school!! ITs perfect GO DAWGS GO DAWGS! I think they might even play basketball with IUPUI someday. Butler basketball KICKES ASSES! Thats for sure. They are the best in NCAA though lost to Detroit.
OK, nevermind an outburst of my memories. You simply reminded me about Indy, the Hoosier's land, I am starting to miss more and more. HEY AND BE SURE YOU'LL GO TO THE INDY 500!!!! Last year it w as nice, they had Shumaher and MikaHeineken or whatever his name is spelled. OK, take care.
By the way does it rain in INdy? :0) It should be hot right now there.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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