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20-Sep-2000 02:18 AM
  BHIMAHIE!!!!!Informaciya vsem memberam portala!!!!!!BHIMAHIE
Hey folks!

ya tut nadumal zaapgreydit' portal...
nujna vasha pomoch'
1) ktoto pust' na englishe opishet nashi priklyucheniya...uslovie - obyazatel'no v stile brat 3!:-)))

2) sdelat' stranichku kajdogo uchastnika portala brat3!
tam budut fotki, informaciya, i contact info. Dlya etogo:
nujna sleduyuchaya informaciya:

1) intro - predlojeniy 20-30 o sebe
2) adres al'boma s fotkami
3) contact info:

2)University home country - usa
3) adress (mailing/physical), telefon toje!!!
home country/usa, email
4) Birth date! eto mne nado dlya togo shtobu pozdravlyat' vas:-)

vsyu etu infu skidayte v moyu mesagu..
vrode vse... esli est' kakie idei - pishite...

te kto beretsya napisat' story brat3 pishite mne na mulo....

vtoraya muslya...
trudno tut v amrike sovetskomu studentu:-)
predlagayu ustanovit' slujbu pomochi vsem memberam portala.
esli kto uje pisal kakieto referatu, papers, essays - prisulayte mne - ya vustavlyu ih na site i vse memberu nashego portala budut pol'zovat'sya imi...
u menya uje est' odno essay, pol nochi pisal... mogu dat' komu nado...
koroche - skajite ili vu na eto soglasnu... mojet vam prosto budet jalko i ne zahotite pomogat' blijnim:-)))

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

21-Sep-2000 02:24 PM
 Re: BHIMAHIE!!!!!Informaciya vsem memberam portala!!!!!!BHIMAHIE
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Sep-2000 05:07 AM
 Re: BHIMAHIE!!!!!Informaciya vsem memberam portala!!!!!!BHIMAHIE
Dear Neo!

I like this Idea. Maybe you should build something like registration for the mail box - who wants, let him click and enter the information...It would be easier, I guess...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

Community Moderators: Neo, LILKA
The time now is: Tue Sep 11:09 pm
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