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23-Apr-2001 09:29 PM
  S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
Hi guys, how's everyone? hope doing good. I just had an idea, if you don't like it it's okay. :-) I thought we all wrote hundred papers during this year, and now at the end when we haev so many other things to do before we leave, writign final papers doesn't sound fun. So if you need one, why not post the Topic for paper, and the field you are majorign in. May be someone has anything that could help you out.
And as you guessed, this idea came from a
If any of you majoring in business or communciation haev papers related to Management (any topic you could thihk of), 5 pages, double space, feel free to send to to
Appreciate for any help, feel free to post your procrastinating paper, will help you out if I can.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

23-Apr-2001 10:31 PM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
I support what you're saying. Unfortunately can't help you with this one , not my major.
And I don't think I would have to do papers this semester that I would need help with... but I could help with whatever I can do, if someone needs that (I'm a Mass communication major). I had cases in the past where I got help from poeple in portal with my papers, so not help others? )

Take care,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

23-Apr-2001 10:55 PM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
Nana, day topic, a esli u mena paper takoy budet ili pohozhyi, ya tebe prishlu ;-)
U mena Journalism i TC. Esli u kogoto est script sitcom Frasiera minut na 30, do 30 stronic, budu priznatelen esli do zavtra prishlete, LOL a to ya shoto esho nihera ne nachinal pisat.
Czest, taras.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Apr-2001 12:24 AM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
Taras, moi paper has to do with anything about management, or if you are a journalist major, do u happen to have a paper on the Importance of Public Broadcast, The Future of Public Broadcast or anything like that. ))
I hope you find sth to do with your paper, unfortunately I dont have anything at least reminding what you wrote sorry,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Apr-2001 01:50 AM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
Nana, what do you need that journalism thing for? Anyways... I don't have a ny paper about that. But i can write you something from my books. I will try to do my best to find something worthy... but odn't know how well I'll do. I will also write a bit of my own opinion on that (just a little bit, too little time to write a paper), and will quote whatever I tookfrom the book. here:

"Since the introduction of the first mass circulation newspaper in the 1980's, meadia therorists and social critics have argued about the importance and power of the media industries and mass communication."(from "Introduction to Mass Communication. Media literacy and Culture" by Stanley J. Baran 1999, p.16)
"People are concerned about the effects of media. Does television cause violence? do beer ads cause increased alcohol consumption? Does pornography cause rape? The difficulty is with the word "cause". Although there is much scientific evidence that media causes many behaviors, there is also much evidence that they do not." (same book same page)
(my opinion (I' will mostly talk about television)) I think that broadcasting is really important in our sociaty and it grows more and more important every day; broadcasting forms our culture. Television became the main source of information for us;p from television we learn what happened in the other part of the country, from television we learn what happened in the other part of the world, from television we learn even what happened in the same place where we live. It became our eyes to the world; a window that shows us what happened in the white house, where WE (prostye smertnye) are not even allowed to go. And we beleive what we see on TV.
Our world is the world of power (ne tol'ko v fizicheskom smysle); he, who has the power, makes the rules for the rest. Therefore peopleare concerned about who has that power, who makes up the rules, and should they let it be like that. The main power are ordinary people like you and me. However, the most power is in the hand of that who can manipulate by the this (the main power), or lead it. Meadia has this power. We watch TV and it forms our thoughts. We may agree or disagree with what was said, but also, it has the power tochange our minds (in both bad and good meaning). it can lead us to wrong information, but it also can open our eyes to the truth that we couldn't see before. An example can be the growing power of television in 1950's. The red scare - or the anti-communism - touched media that time. Government was scared that television (also movies and radio) has quite an impact on its audience. The red scare was also "aided by the publication of "Red Channels: The Report of Communist influence in Radio and Television" - the work of three former FBI agents operating a company calledAmerican Buesness Consultants. Its 200 pages detailed the procommunism sympathiesof 151 broadcast personalities... Advertisers were encouraged to avoid buying time from the broadcasters who employed these "red sympathizers"... Ironically, it was this same red scare that allowed television to demonstrate its enourmous power as a vehicle of democracy and freedom. Joseph McCarthy, the Republican junior senator from Wisconsin whose tactics gave this era its name (McCarthyism), was seen by million of viewers as his investigation of "Reds" in the U.S. Army was broadcast by al the networks for 36 days in 1954... At the same time, edward Murrow used his "See it Now" to expose the senators lies and hypocrisy. As the consequence of two broadcasts, McCarthy was ruined; he was censured by his senate colleagues and later died the lonely death of an alcoholic. Television had given people eyes and ears - and power - where before they had a little. The Army - McCarthy hearings and Murrow's challenge to McCarthyism are still regarded as two of television's finest moments." (Introduction to Mass Communication. Media literacy and Culture", Stanely J. Baran, 1999, p. 220)
Oy, Nana, sorry, I wanted to write more about it, but just now remembered that have a paper due tomorrow myself. Gotta go write it . Anyways, i hope this helps you at least a little bit. If it did indeed help you, let me know, and then if i have time i can post some more of this kinda info. if not then never mind, jsut taking a little bit more space (or MB's ;)) on Neo's Great creation )).

Take care and good luck with your papers,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Apr-2001 02:54 AM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
U mena est horoshyi term paper (ya A+ poluchil hehe) pro influence radioprogramy "War of the Worlds" ma radiolushateley. Dumayu tebe mogla b podoyti, ona pro Media influence on the masses. Ochen klovyi topik. Mogu dazhe tebe prodat ;-))) (shutka)
Napishy esli podoydet to ma email skinu.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Apr-2001 03:16 AM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
V nature ludi, ne budte zhlobami to!!! rodavayte papery!!
U mena est paru horoshyh: Chernobyl accident, Ukrainian women in WW2, bunch of shit on human rights, religious freedom, hardnews stories, speeches, and I have-no-fucken-idea-where-from-it-came-an-economy paper, and way more paper shit. Komu shoto nado, pishyte! Oni i tak bez dela valayutsa, a tak mozhet komuto choto pomogut.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Apr-2001 03:35 AM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Apr-2001 03:56 AM
 Re: S.O.S. Topic for procrastinators
nu ya vam davno govoril shto takoe stoit sdelat'!

davayte shlite mne svoi paperu vse, ya ih vustavlyu na site, sdelayu spisok predmetov, i vu smojete ih prosto download!
esli hotite, dostup k nim budet pod parolem, a porol' budet til'ko u svoih, shtob chujie iz ineta ne lazili...

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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