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26-Feb-2001 10:04 PM
 Re: Moi soboleznovania vsem Moldovanam...:(
Ne znajy.. naschet Rysskogo v Shkole i v Sadike ja nikogda osobo ne stradal, no etot proklyatij Anglijskij - on menya yzhe dostal!!!! Poshel v Shkoly v pervij klass - a tam anglijskij.. ybezhal v 9 klassse v Fiz-Mat Licej.. tam tozhe anglijskij, da eshche i prepodsha - dyra-dyroj. V universitete voobshche kranti.. vse peredovije naychnije dostizhenija tol'ko v zhyrnalax "Nature", "Science", etc. ... malo togo chto prezentacii po nim delat' nado, tak esche i po 5-my razy geografijy Londona ychit'. Pochemy vot pro Starkville, MS mi na Englishe nikogda ne rasskazivali?? Eto konechno ne "London is a capital of GR. Brit and North Ireland. Is located on the river Themza, blah-blah-blah...", a chto-to tipa "Mississippi is the ass-hole of US, Starkville is educational centre of MS, cradle of Redneck State University".. no vse ravno ved', lychche, chem "Repeticia est mater studiore".

Teper' eta Amerika... otpaxavshi 14 let, pitajas' izychit' odin iz samix elementarnix jazikov Romano-Germanskoj Gryppi i prijexav syda ja ponyal - chto vse eto bilo na smarky. Kyda ne povernys' vezde Anglijskij.. kotorij ja s trydom ponimajy i prakticheski ne mogy vosproizvesti
Vi xotite chtobi etot jazik zapolonil ves' mir??? Da etot jazik dazhe Male ot Femlae otlichit' ne moget , i izza etogo y nix epidemicheskije vspishki emansipacii, kotoroj oni skoro garemnij Irak zarazyat (pro Evropy i ne govory).

Naxren s Rysskim borotsya, borcov i tak xvataet (vot pjessy "Kacapi" pochitajte), davajte borotsya lychche s Amerikanskim. Bej Abrikosov!!!! Eto izza nix nachalas' xolodnaja vosna, na kotoryjy yshli vse den'gi CCCP.. znachit eto oni vinovati v nashej nishchete. Davajte ix tochit' iznytri, kak bichij cepen' (parazit krypnogo rogatogo skota) tochit svojego xozyajina, pojedaja pishchy prednaznachenyjy jemy. Mi vse sdelali shag k etomy - obvorovali U.S. Goverment na ____$, te kto postypyat syda i polychat scholarship - sdelajyt eshche odin vklad.. i.t.d. i.t.p. ...

Kto pridymajet eshche sposobi sgnoit' Ameriky, pishite syda ili tyda.. Davajte pokonchim s mirovim gospodstvom Rednekov, zaberem ix den'gi, otdadim ix golodajyshchim afrikanskim detyam i ystanovim ballans po vsemy miry. Pyst' y vsex bydet odinakovoje kolichestvo deneg. Togda i vibori v Moldove nikomy ne bydyt strashni

Sho ne jasno?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Feb-2001 10:07 PM
 Re: Moi soboleznovania vsem Moldovanam...:(
Enjoy - that's the least you can do, and you do not even need special skills for that, maybe just fast internet conection...,,200-269268,00.html
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Feb-2001 10:11 PM
 Re: Moi soboleznovania vsem Moldovanam...:(
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Feb-2001 10:19 PM
 Re: Moi soboleznovania vsem Moldovanam...:(
Either the browser ne pashet or...

Here it the text, in case you could not get there:

Tuesday, 27 February 2001 : Xtra : News : World News

Moldova Heads Back To Communism

26/02/2001 01:21 PM - Olena Horodetska

Moldova appeared to be headed for a return to Communist rule on
Monday as voters turned their backs on a decade of upheaval and
market reform to embrace the nostalgic vision of more ordered times.

Initial indications from the former Soviet republic's parliamentary
elections on Sunday showed the Communists were on course to
secure a majority to form a government, gaining at the expense of
centrist, reformist parties.

"As of 11.40 p.m (2140 GMT), we had counted 11 percent of the total
vote and the Communists were in first place with 54.58 percent,"
Dumitru Nidelcu, head of the Central Election Commission, told state
television early on Monday.

At the last election in 1998, the Communists won 30 percent of the
vote, enough to become the largest faction in the country's
fragmented parliament with 40 of its 101 seats.

Analysts had predicted voters would swing heavily to the
Communists, who tapped into public despair about poverty and
unemployment, campaigning with promises to double salaries and
pensions and restore order.

The Communists' main rival in the poll, Prime Minister Dumitru Braghis's
alliance of centrist parties and blocs, was running a poor second, with
13.5 percent of the vote.

But it was too early to say whether the Communists would get the 61
seats needed to elect a new president for Moldova, a country of 4.3
million people heavily dependent on a creaking agricultural economy.

Officials, counting ballots throughout the early hours, were expected
to announce final results on Monday morning.


The Communists chose the broken economy as their election
battleground. Promises of higher salaries and the nostalgic appeal of a
return to the order and jobs for life of the Soviet era appeared to woo
voters in a country where more than 80 percent struggle to survive
on just one dollar a day.

The Communists' campaign videos harked back to easier times,
showing the "happy 1970s" before switching to pictures of beggars
sifting through litter, portrayed as the result of a decade of reform.

On Sunday, as he cast his own ballot in the centre of the Moldovan
capital, Chisinau, Communist Party leader Vladimir Voronin was in
confident mood, telling reporters he expected up to 50 percent of the
electorate to vote for his party.

Voronin has promised tighter state controls of the economy but, with
an eye on the International Monetary Fund, he has also been careful
to avoid saying he opposes all reforms.

Voronin has pledged to build a reformist government, although details
remain sketchy. The Communists have yet to explain how they plan
to meet their pledge to double salaries and pensions.

Voronin has however declared himself ready to work alongside the
IMF, whose economic blessing is regarded by many foreign investors
as a prerequisite for their involvement.

On Sunday he said he would appoint a non-Communist as prime
minister if his party came to power, a move which may help allay
some fears about his commitment to free enterprise.

The government is facing an uphill battle. Moldova's agricultural
sector, the backbone of its ragged economy, has shrunk to just one
third of the size when the country declared independence from the
former Soviet Union in 1991.

The IMF in December approved a $142 million loan, encouraged by
government plans the IMF says would achieve sustainable economic
growth, cut debt and reduce poverty.

But the economy, which grew a modest 1.9 percent last year, has a
long way to go and economists have questioned some of Voronin's
proposals for greater government control.

Sunday's election was called after parliament reached deadlock in
December trying to elect a new president. Neither the Communist or
centrist candidates could attract sufficient votes. The head of state
is elected by deputies, not

The election is seen as the key to ending a crippling tussle between
the president and deputies over the head of state's powers. That
struggle has delayed vital reform and legislation.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Feb-2001 11:20 PM
 Re: Moi soboleznovania vsem Moldovanam...:(
This forum was the only place where I knew I would come and would be safe from politics... there was a time... it was... not any more. Now any topic posted in this forum turns to political topic.
I AM SICK AND TIRED OF POOLITICS!!! Politics is just the world of Hell! That tpoic consisting of "Nothing" was just a paradise, oasis.

Please, let this forum stay out ofpolitics... It's so frustrating that the only place I was relaxing from the politics is turning to the hottest politics discussion forum. Isn't it relaxing when there's no politic around? People, let's relax! least here...

Or may be you could open another forum for those who love politics? Would be appriciated... Khotya, ya poymu esli vy ne soglasites'... navernoe ya eschyo ne dorosla do togo chtoby prosit' o takikh veschakh.

Anyways, my best wishes to everyone. And I wish you the best life, that would be a good life without a single politician!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Feb-2001 12:29 AM
 Re: Moi soboleznovania vsem Moldovanam...:(
Tak ne xochesh bol'she politiki govorish??? A ti xot' dumala a tom chto ti shyas' sidish v Amerike enjoying a much better education in Mass Communication then you would at home, i eto toje BLAGODARYA POLITIKE!!!!!!! I voobshe, neznayu nashi studenty voobshe dumayut shto shyas ves' mir starayetsa nas vsex pribrat' k rukam???
Odni boryatsa za export market, drugie boryatsa za political influence, tretie za bogatie resursy, chetvortie za nauchniy potentsial, pyatie za to maloe chto ostanetsa posle togo kak pervie chetire zaberut vsyo...... Takoe budushchee vas ustroit???????
I ne nado razdelyat' russkiy yazik ot kommunizma ) Oni ochen' daje mejdu soboy svyazani! Moya strana ne tak blizka k Rosii, u nas na Zakavkazye nash mir, nashi problemi, no daje tam ten' Rosii i golos diktuyushiy...A Kommunizm ya hate! vsey dushoy! Nekotorim lyudyam zhilos' xorosho, a ostal'nim tak sebe. Kak i sechas. Tol'ko shyas menshe lyudey xorosho jivyot za schyot strani, no luchshe zhivut....
No xotya sechas "Istoria Armyanskogo Naroda" prepodayut trijdy!!!! Nachinayem v 4-om, zakanchivayem v 8-om (u nas istoria na 4000 let, za shkol'niy god ne viuchish'), a potom go over it again v 9om i 10-om, i eshcho na pervom kurse vsex VUZ-ov!!!!!! And hell, yeah! I'd rather do Armenian history 10 times, than do "Istoria KPSS" i "Osnovi Marksisma i Leninisma" i "Osnovi Ateizma". Osobenno posledniy!! V strane, gde vperviye v mire prinyali xristianstvo za state religion 1700 let nazad, lyudi ne mogli v tserkov spokoyni itdi....Tak chto poshli kommunisty ko vsem chertyam na vse chetire storony... And yeah, this is just my opinion.
I bejat' ot politiki ne nado, glavnoe videt' gryaz' i postaratsa pochistit'...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Feb-2001 01:54 AM
 Re: Moi soboleznovania vsem Moldovanam...:(
Ty menya ne ponyala. Ya ne predlagayu zabyt' politiku k chertovoy materi, ya prosto khochu chtoby eyo ne bylo khot' gde to. Politika eto khorosho, khoroshaya politika eschyo luchshe... No kogda ona vezdesuschnaya, to eto uzhe plokho, potomu chto nadoedaet. Ot vsego mozhno otdokhnut', a ot neyo nikak nel'zya. Ty govorish' ya vot tut sebe sizhu ni o chem ne zabochus', a tam takoe tvorit'sya, chto i slyshat' ne khochetsya... How would you know that i'm just sitting here enjoying my life and not worrying about what is happening back there? If i was, then I wouldn't be tired of it, don't you think? I could tell a lot more about it, but I am REALLY so sick and tired of politics, and if I talk a bit more, that is politics again... I would have a break down. So:
I'm out of this topic...

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Feb-2001 01:57 AM
 Re: Moi soboleznovania vsem Moldovanam...:(
Hello, Roxy!

Chitala ia tvoy post i vspomnila odnu pesenku: "A ne spet' li mne pesniu pro liubov'..." I chestno, dlea tebia shto ugodno, daje pesni )))) Mne ved' toje ne nravitsea politika...

Warmest regards,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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