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01-Apr-2001 06:02 PM
 Re: Please send me your links!
Aria, you're f*** up! first of all I wasn't talking to you. Besides, i didn't say anything about what sux and what doesn't. It seems like you don't know the difference between "you suck!" and "you're sick", well, from now on please keep in mind that there IS a difeerence, a big difference. And then, whatever i said, I said to Rus, you don't have to do anything with this, and if there is someone to write me a reply for that message, that should be Rus. So if someone sux here, that's not me, and that's not Rus, that is YOU! Rus posted those links, but he is at least polite, and that makes me respect him, no matter what he writes in his posts. Everyone else here at least has the decensy not to offend others if that is not something of their concern, at least they know what is to respect women. you just pretend you do. Get out of your shell! you think that you're the only one who is worth respect on this world and others are just miserable creatures here? You're wrong, dude! u tebya slishkom zavyshennaya samootsenka!
Sorry, I don't ever mean to offend someone in any post, but I also hate to be offended! and that is just what you did. You are the biggest jerk I've ever met in my life.


P.S. By the way, "you suck" not "you suxx"

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 4-1-2001 18:00 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Apr-2001 09:24 PM
 Re: Please send me your links!
This is for Kom (!) only. Rukshona, I have known you are good and smart. I like you for this. You impressed me again. Never expected such a reply from you. Cool one. Thanks, I enjoyed it.
How is your life? Have not talked to you recently.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Apr-2001 09:42 PM
 Re: Please send me your links!
Hey, Igoryok,

kak dela? Kak zhizn'? Really, haven't talked to you for ages!!! I hope you're doing alright.
Anyways, you know my Em .

Take care,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 01:39 AM
 Re: Please send me your links!
Xm..komsaid...soglasen,englisha ia ne znau i v difference tozhe ne slishkom naschet vsego ostal'nogo...xm...ia ispravlu svou messagu na "you are suck"...Naschet samogo bol'shogo jerk...xm,tak mozhesh' schitat' eto vzaimnym...interesno kak budet jerk-devushka?

Naschet respect...dlia menia ludi deliatsia na 2 kategorii...tex kogo ia uvazhau i lublu i na vsex ostal'nyx...poka chelovek ne dokazal chto on ne zasluzhivaet moego uvazhenia on otnositsia k pervoi kategorii...posle, ko vtoroi...ty k pervoi tochno ne otnosishsia...Razdelenie na respect to woman i respact to man u menia net...ia uvazhau ludei nezavisimo ot ix pola...

Kriterii uvazhenia:um i lichnostnye kachestva

Moia zavyshennaia samoozcanka...xorosho,dokazhi i ia priznau chto byl snachala dokazhi,ne nuzhno kidat' bezdokazatel'nye obvinenia...

Naschet togo chtoo Rus i tol'ko Rus dolzhen otvechat'...xm,naskol'ko ia pomnu kogda ia napechatal temu "muslibe i tol'ko muslibe" pisali vse komu ne len',i ty v tom chisle,i mne eshe pytalis' dokazat' chto esli xochesh' chto to lichno skazat' i lichno poluchit' otvet pishi dak i pishi:-)togda nikto chuzhoi i vmeshivatsia ne budet...

Sincerly yours:-)


Aria1100,Nusferatum,kak Vam bol'she nravitsia...

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 03:17 PM
 Re: Please send me your links!
Xex...komsaid,sorry...naschet differenca ia uzhe pisal chto ne znal...messaga udaliaetsia...kritika prinimaetasia na rassmotrenie:-) Xm,vsmysle kritika pro moi english)Kotoryi ia ne znau i znat' ne xochuPro vse ostal'noe smotri vyshe...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 03:27 PM
 Re: Please send me your links!
Rus,ochen' dazhe rulesnye linki:-))gyxm...xotia voobshem to ne po teme konechno...nda...i na zolotye stranizcy interneta tozhe ne uzat' mona [ This message was edited by: aria1100 on: 4-2-2001 01:49 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 06:35 PM
 Re: Please send me your links!

I'll tell ya something... about the thing that only Rus should answer me... in the topic "Mashe, tol'ko Mashe" did anyone EVER offend you for what you wrote to Masha, not to others??? We responded with no offence towards you. And you said directly to me "you suxx" for me saying to Rus, not to you, that he's sick. By the way, (Rus) I didn't mean that in an offensive meaning.
Dal'she, naschet tvoey samootsenki... Ty schitaesh' chto vse dolzhno byt' po tvoemu ili zhe esli eto ne po tvoemu to ty otnosish'sya k etomu kak... dazhe ne znayu kak eto nazvat'. Ty vse zhivesh' proshlym da virtual'noy zhiznyu. I didn't stop talking to you in real life after something said chat, did I? I think it was just stupid! Even if that had been said in reality, not in the chat. You just think think about what you feel, what you need, what you want, never about what others do.
Naschet "jerk", I have the reason... and I can tell you, privately if you want to, or I can post it whatever you wish. But the way you act is the way a loser acts when he doesn't want to admitt he lost! So you said the same about me, huh? I first beleived you when you told me about someone you knew, that she was a "ster'va", now I completely understand her... All she ever did was refuse... How could SHE, a miserable creature refuse YOU, a genious, the king of the world, right? no, wrong! you jsut don't wanna accept that. ok, not for public...
Wake up, you live in reality. Try to live your life the way you want, but accept life the way it is, not the way you want it to be.

Anyways, I think it stupid to keep discussig it with you. Coz there is no chance that you would ever understand it, and as I already said, I really hate to offend or be offended. That's also the reason I try not to offend anyone in my posts. I treat people the way I want them to treat me, and want to be treated the way I treat them. And as far as I know, ot tebya krome grubostey nichego bol'she i ne dozhdesh'sya... So I quit.


P.S. I eschyo, kogda ne znaesh' znacheniya chego to na samom dele, popytaysya pozhaluysta ne oskarblyat' lyudey svoimi dogadkami, ok?

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 4-2-2001 18:34 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Apr-2001 09:56 PM
 Re: Please send me your links!
Komsaid,ia pomoemu izvenilsia i ubral messagu,a ty prodolzhaesh' polivat' menia griaz'u...tebe chto eto spat' ne daet?

Kak ty skazala ia loser,xm...soglasen,no ia priznal i zabyl,a zabyv postoralsia vykinut' i tebia iz moei pamiati...vmeste so vsem ostal' chto ty nazyvaesh' zavyshennoi samoozcenkoi ia schitau samozashitoi...

Ia uzhe davno ne zhivu proshlym)Virtualom-da,proshlym netI menia eto oi kak raduetSkoree zhivu virtualom i budushim:-))V budushem ia budu doma...No kak govoritsia o chem my sporim?)Zhizn' pokazhet kto prav,kto net...esli v zhizni voobshe est' takoe poniatie kak prav-neprav;chernoe-beloe...

Xochesh' rugatsia dal'she-milosti prosim...kak skazal Jacki Chann v fil'me "Razborka v Bronkse":"I like to give people opporunity to talk as much as they that way they show me how full of shit they are...",konezc zcitaty.Proshu zametit' nikogo konkretno ia ne imel vvidu...prosto xoroshaia zcitata,podxodiashaia k situazcii...
[ This message was edited by: Nusferatum on: 4-2-2001 21:26 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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