Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
31-Jan-2001 10:29 PM
 Re: Check this
So, this message I will post as HTML. I am using the exact formula, with the exact words and letters as in the previous post, but you will see only the link word to yahoo. Here it is:
link word
See? Well, i hope this helped you a little bit. let me know about your progress (by posting some link to something ).

Best of luck,
Roxy [ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 1-31-2001 23:25 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Feb-2001 02:55 AM
 Re: Check this
yeah, and le't make the topic HOT!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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