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29-Sep-2000 04:34 PM
Hi, evrybody! How is it going so far? Hope you are doing well with your studies...
Probably you don`t know me, I was in Drexel University, but some of you know me(especially you AZAMAT) Have fun there!!!!!!!!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

29-Sep-2000 05:46 PM
 Re: HEY
Ei, Altynai, seni Azamat gana biledi dep oilap tursyn ba, karagym? Ol ras emes koi, kyzym. Men seni ote jaksy bilemin. Habarlas. Janalyk ait. Menin e-mail bilesin goi.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

30-Sep-2000 07:45 AM
 Re: HEY
Yerlennen basqa taghy adamdar bar mynda! Mysaly, men.
Atlushka, qalyn qalai? Sen meni esine alasyn ghoi, men senderge keldim ghoi bir ret Drexelgha. Sen Almatydaghy orientatsiyada Azamattan basqa eshkimmen soilesken zhoqsyn, sondyqtan tek qana ony bilesin, ol durys emes. Yerlen durys aityp zhur: habarlas, chatqa da kobirek shyq.

Krome Yerlena est' esche lyudi! Ya, k primeru. Kak dela Altynay? Ty zhe menya pomnish, ya k vam prihodil v Drexel. Na orientatsii v Almaty ty govorila tolko s Azamatom, poetomu nikogo bolshe ne znaesh, eto nehorosho. Yerlen prav: derzhi svyaz'.

There are some people other than Yerlen! Me, for example. How are you doing Altynay? You remember me, don't you, I came to you to Drexel. During the orientation in Almaty you were talking to Azamat only that's why you don't know us, and that's not good. Yerlen is right: keep in touch.

ush-tili audarma turaly oi-pikirler - email maghan
po voprosam troinogo perevoda - shlite mylo
questions regarding triple translation - email me
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

30-Sep-2000 06:01 PM
 Re: HEY
Yerik, iz tebya perevodchik kak iz menya kosmonavt! (a iz menya kstate poluchilas' by khoroshaya kosmonavtka).
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

30-Sep-2000 06:02 PM
 Re: HEY
Poluchilas' by... odnako ne poluchilas'.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Oct-2000 01:14 AM
 Re: HEY
Erkin, ustroil by ya tebe seichas rabotu nad oshibkami, (po kazahskomu), da ne hochu delat' etogo v forume. E-mail me and get all the explanationZ.
Nashet poluchilas-ne poluchilas. Komsaid, otkuda ty znaesh? Ty eshe moloda, polna sil, neglupa i vse u tebya vperedi. Tak chto, ya uveren, Tajikistan eshe zapustit kogo-nibud' v kosmos i, nadeyus, smojet obespechit' obratnuyu posadku.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Oct-2000 05:47 PM
 Re: HEY
Erlen spasibo za dobruyu nadezhdu. Esli v Tajikistane otkroyetsya kosmodrom to ya polechu pervaya. Tol'ko pridyotsya v Tajikistane eschyo odnogo (ili odnu) zhelayuschego poletet' v kosmos, a to mne odnoy strashnovato budet (osobenno kogda ya o posadke budu dumat').
A iz tebya Yerik vidimo vsyo zhe takoy zhe perevodchik kak iz menya kosmonavt.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Oct-2000 07:30 PM
 Re: HEY
Hi there! I am from Kirgizstan. I wanted to ask u if u knew Aijamal from my country; she was in Drexel university for her orientation.
Which state r u in? I am in Kentucky. So how is your study there? I hope u enjoy your life there.
keep in touch,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Oct-2000 12:52 PM
 Re: HEY
Aisulu, ty navernoe kazashka a ne kirgizka. Aisulu - kazahskoe imya, means "Moon beauty" (nu ty i sama znaesh).
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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