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03-Oct-2000 01:49 AM
 Re: HEY
Hi Erlen? Ya tebya ne znayu, no spasibo za moye imya. Sorry but I'm not kazashka. I am kirgiz, and i know what my name means. But i didn't know that it is the same meaning in Kazah language. Though there is a little difference between these two languages anyway. And what about u! R u kazah?
Let's chat someday. I'm usually there in the evenings; from 10:00p.m. until 12:00p.m.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

03-Oct-2000 03:25 PM
 Re: HEY
Hey, kyzym!
Spasibo za predlojenie poobshatsya v chate. Obyazatelno im vospolzuyus, no kogda ne znayu. V blijaishee vremya vryad-li, t.k. mnogo classes, exams, and all that stuff. I'm Kazakh, by the way.
Thanks again,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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