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13-Apr-2001 04:35 PM
  Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
Hi, guys!
I have got an idea. We all are going back to our countries in May. As far as I know there are lots of people from Ukraine. All of us will first fly to Kiev, Borispol. So, why don't we get connected here, in the USA, and as soon as we get home, we can have fun together, something like celebrating finishing the program. There are so many good places in Kiev where we can "give honor" to ACTR (and ourselves).

Other countries are also very welcome! Moldova is not very far away (however, I guess not every person from Moldova has a desire to do it - up to them), Bilorussia also, and Russia at last.

So, guys, what do you think? It would be a cool party!
Post your replies here.


[ This message was edited by: Proper on: 4-13-2001 16:33 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Apr-2001 06:35 PM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!

I think this is a great idea, and is worth consideration. Do not forget to post the date, time, and place where to gather and celebrate.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Apr-2001 07:01 PM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
Place - Kiev,
Date - 17th, or 18th, or 19th of May,
Time - as soon as we are ready.

You guys make plans to visit Kiev, because it will be the best time together. No matter what (!) everybody is welcome.

Take care.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Apr-2001 02:15 AM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
privet Proper,

naskoko tu pomnish to bula moya ideya naschet party v Kieve po priezdu..
no sechas ya dumayu shto eto bula ne samaya luchaya ideya...
pervoe hochetsya domoy ochen'..
vtoroe - mu mojem zdorovo v DC pogulyat'... i v principe neobhodimosti takoy ostroy doma prodoljat' srazu je po priezdu ne viju...
however, vot vstretitsya bu nam cherez nekotoroe vremya! skajem cherez mesyac! masha govorila shto v konce Iunya tam shtoto namechaetsa! eto drugoe delo!
Togda vstretitsya mogli bu ne toko Ukraincu, a vobche kto zahotel mog bu priehat'... a tak kak tu sebe eto predstavlyaesh... toko priehal domoy - i tut obratno ed' kudato....
kievskih u nas ne tak uj i mnogo...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Apr-2001 02:49 AM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
Hi usem.
Ya podderjivayu Neo.
It will be more better to meet each other in a month, tak kak ya mogu tochno skazat' chto po priezdu u menya ne to chto svobodnoy minutki ne budet - ya somnivayus' chto u menya vremya pospat'.
A vot vkonce of June v Kieve budet prohodit' den' molodeji - prazdnik budet obaldenniy - sam ubedilsya za godi jizni v stolice - vot na nego vsem sobrat'sya - eto bilo bi kruto. As far as I remember Den' molodeji budet ili 29 ili 30 of June. Ya 29 ne moogu (u sestri dnuha), a vot 30 sobrat'sya bilo bi neploho.
Koroche ya dumayu vse mogut prikinut' chto oni sobirayutsya delat' v eto vremya. tak chto prikidivay'te i post here svoi misli.

Mikola [ This message was edited by: Mc on: 4-15-2001 02:48 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Apr-2001 03:18 AM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
Hello, guys!
To Neo: as far as I remember you just wanted to stay in Kiev for a while on arriving. You said you need to deal with a few business there.

Anyways, guys, I still maintain the idea to meet in Kiev as soon as we arrive (at least for those who live in Kiev), because you know guys - as everybody leaves, probably most part of ACTR students will sink in their everyday problems and will not have a chance to come to Kiev to have a common party. This is usually this way, so "kuy jelezo poka goryucho".

Mikola's suggestion: I like it. Really worth trying. We can just have two parties - right after getting to Kiev and one in June. This will be even better - two parties instead of one.



[ This message was edited by: Proper on: 4-15-2001 03:17 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Apr-2001 03:23 AM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
Igor' - ya to znayu chto ya tvoyu nagluyu r***, (face)tak je kak i ti moyu uvidesh v Kieve. Esli dogovoritsya naschet dati - to mojno budet i vstretitsya - den'gi est' u vseh, takuyu otmazku ya daje slushat' ne hochu - glavnoe jelaniye - togda daje everyday problemi mojno otlojit' na paru dney.
gde Posti Lyudi ?????????
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Apr-2001 05:39 AM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!

Hey, Igorek! Ya v Kiev tol'ko 24go priletayu. A otprazdnovat' po-lubomu nado.

Mne, naprimer, predlojenie Kolyana podhodit na 100%, potomu chto srazu posle vozvrascheniya budet mnogo del, a na den' molodeji i prazdnik horoshiy dlya gulyaniy i data podhodyaschaya.

V obschem ya za 30oe of June.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Apr-2001 07:36 AM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
ya za 30 of june! Hotya 27 ya mogu but' echo ochen' daleko ot Kieva, no esli dobazarimnsya vse na 30 - to ya postarayus' uspet'!

a naschet srazu, eto gnilo.... Mikola pravdu skazal.. del u kajdogo v pervue dni budet nevprovorot...

K tomu je ne vse 16 nashi budut, a 30 bolshe tolpa narodu budet! Tak shto tut dumat' daje nechego!
a 30 vstretimsya, podelimsya experiencom))!

P.S. ya ne govoril shto u menya business v Kieve, ya govoril shto hochu na paru dney zavisnut' partying! I ya govoril vsem dogovoritsya, a tu mne govoril shto v DC dogovorimsya na vse..
no sechas ya ponyal shto eto gnilaya ideya...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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