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18-Apr-2001 02:42 AM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
Kto tut govorit pro komanduvat'? Tu, Andryuha?? Pochitay svoi messasi!!!

Take care
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Apr-2001 03:49 AM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
Igor', popustis'... davay zakroem etu temu... a pro komandovat' skazal Mikola... a ya ego prosto quote... please refer to the messages above....
lana, bolshe pro eto ne govorim... nechego tut druga na druga proganyat'...
tu de bul? ya te zvonil..... propustil tu kartoshku)) ya toko shto jaril i vsyu uje skushal) esli bu bul na meste poproboval bu moey debyutnoy jarenoy kartoshki (pervuy raz sam jaril)))!
ya k te sednya chasov v 12 zaydu..
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Apr-2001 04:40 AM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
Nu vot, yanihera ne ponimayu teper! Shoto budet ili net? Kak reshayte-napishyte! Ya s udovolstviyem podyedu.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Apr-2001 03:38 PM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!
Ja proboval razobratsya i nixerashen'ki ne ponyal.. Vse bredyat Xreshchatikom i perepichkami, oryt dryg na dryga i prosto tak. Odno ja ponyal - esli bydy v Kieve v rajone 30to mozhet kogo i vstrechy...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Apr-2001 05:14 PM
 Re: Returning home, Kiev - sweet home!!!

Neo=> OK, zamyali, nechego tut demagogiyu razvodit.

FOR EVERYBODY: everything is going to be as we have been talking. The meeting will take place!!! 30th of June, time - 1 and 5 pm in Shevchekno's Park, Kiev.

Take care.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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