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22-Sep-2000 12:10 AM
  TO RUS - from his greatest fan
Thank you for invitation to your fans' and readers' club. I really appreciate it.
Unfortunately it's impossible for me to become a member of your club. I don't have enough money to pay $5 fee because all my money I spend on beer, marijuana and on paying penalties for avoiding jail (please don't go to the int'l office and tell them about me!). Besides, analyzing what kind of person you are, I don't think that you will be happy to have such a bad member like me in your club, won't you?
All I can do for right now is just to write feedbacks here on this site. I hope you will be happy to know what I think about you and your friendship with Yerkin.
Be sure to write everything bad you will find in "your buddy" (did you look at the dictionary?) and everything good you will find in "your body". Pishite - i vam obyazatel'no otvetyat!!!

S uvajeniem,
Valera iz Kaz.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Sep-2000 12:21 AM
 Re: TO RUS - from his greatest fan
Valerochka!!! You are just great, that's all I want to say.
Have a nice weekend.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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The time now is: Tue Sep 11:09 pm
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