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17-Aug-2001 08:53 PM
  Courses and employment
Hi people!
I'd like to ask either greens or yellows the question about the courses. First how many courses did you get and whtat's the "normal" academic load (I mean to have time to work and relax, without recieving "f").
Cause I got 4 courses like : International organizations, Europeam Union, Islam, Business communication. I also wanted to get smth. like managment of human resources and organizational communication. But for managment they have very strict pre-requirements, which I can't face and the communication departement is already full and they told me they are unable to do anything.
So come on, people, share what have you taken and what do you think about it.
Besides where do you search for jobs? I know about career centers, but ours seems to do it only for graduates and seniors. They try to provide those people with full time employment and that's seem to be all.
So I'll appreciate your help, thoughts and advice.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Aug-2001 09:20 PM
 Re: Courses and employment
ti znaesh y menya polnii pizdec s predmetami,tk psixologiya kotoryu oni predlagaut-I ee vsu proshla,tak 4to ne znau bydyt li y menya problemi,a nas4et raboti bydy reshat' v ponedel'nik,y nas osnivnaya orientaciya,da i ludi kotorie nas zdes' vstretili vodyat nas 4ytli ne za ry4ky.I vibrala:bussiness and communikation,introduction to logik,three dimention of design,da i mne she nado vzyat' english,tk I test xorosho napisala,no ego vse napisali odinakovo,I ego 4yt' ne prospala,prosnylas' za 10 min. do etoi xerni.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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