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08-Nov-2001 04:53 AM
  Hi there everyone
Hi there!
This is Aisuluu. I hoped it's still working. Guys miss all of u. Nurbek. r u still alive? Write me, ok?
Orange, r u there? guys keep in touch; keepyourhairon@
love, Ice
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Nov-2001 12:08 PM
 Re: Hi there everyone
Whassup Ice! How's life? Haven't heard from ya for quite a time! Hey, hope to see ya on Nov.30!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Jan-2002 10:17 AM
 Re: Hi there everyone
Hi Nurbek!
How are you!?
sorry, i couldn't send u video of the ocnference w/ Tracy. I just didnt have time. Hey! Are you gonna be in this conference on the 24th of January? If yes, then i'll bring the cassette there, all right?
Say hi to the rest.

Ira Tkachova!!! Are you alive???? Email me as soon as u can!
keep in touch.
love u guys, Aisuluu
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Jan-2002 01:53 PM
 Re: Hi there everyone
Hi everybody
How are you guys? Aisuluu, Nurbek, hope everything is fine? Yerkin's kinda lost, have you noticed?
Anyway, hope you all had a great time for the New Year's celebration and stuff. How's everyone's sessia going?
Anyway, a couple of people from Delaware have decided to meet in the chat, Jan. 16th, 4pm Moscow time. This is done so that everyone can get the right time. For example I know that Ukraine is 2 hours behind Armenia, but don't know anything about Kazakhstan, Kyrgizstan and Uzbekstan, and some parts of Russia. So please come, whoever can.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Jan-2002 10:03 AM
 Re: Hi there everyone
Privet Alincho! Skol'ko vremeni proshlo, vah!
Kak dela tvoi? Chto novogo?
Ya poka esche ne razdelalsa so svoey sessiey, no k fevralyu smogu byvat' na portale chasche!
V KG vremya vperedi moskovskogo na 2 chasa, t.e. u menya shas 15:58, a v Moskve 13:58.

Ne teryaysa!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2002 11:05 AM
 Re: Hi there everyone
Hi there guys!
WHo is Alincho!? Sorry, but i kinda started forgeting everyone.
I love u guys and miss yall a lot.
Where is Erkin anyway!? He was great fellow. I lost Ira Tkachova; i think i should email to "Jdi Menya" program on ort, trying to find her. And Ivan is not emailing me. GUys, keep in touch!!
Nurbek, how are u feeling?
love, Ice
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Feb-2002 08:03 AM
 Re: Hi there everyone
Hey people: Ice, Alincho, X-ray... Wassup? Doin' good, huh? I'm not bad either. Decided that I would let you know I'm still alive and still here ;).
I just came back from an alumni conference in Tashkent, it was great! Hope you're having fun, too, there.

Luv ya'll,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2002 06:50 AM
 Re: Hi there everyone
Hey gals!
Great hearing from you! Looks like we waking up from a long winter sleep, ha! \;)
I'm doing well. Have only couple of exams and a course work left to be done with session.
So, what's new in your part of the world?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2002 02:31 AM
 Re: Hi there everyone
...same old ***. Still studying (on vacation now) and still working; getting bored at work sometimes; somitimes not having time even to look out of the window though . The only new thing was the conference in Tashkent and it was REALLY fun. Finally I got to see another CIS country (other than Russia)!!! Well, you guys, don't get lost.
Let's scream so everybody else wakes up too ;) LOL!!!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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