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14-Nov-2000 05:24 PM
  Love Confession
Dear Chatters!

I just miss you so much! I am eager to chat with you again! You are ALL so dear to me now ))
We have lots of fun chatting on this portal...

[ This message was edited by: dornabella on: 11-13-2000 17:04 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Nov-2000 08:48 PM
 Re: Love Confession
You maybe miss love of someone who is too closed to your heart....But believe, that everyone eager to chat with you too. This portal is a great thing (tnx to papa) and all chaters are coolest people (except one well known person). So, Dorina take it easy and everything will be all right. See you in chat....

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Nov-2000 10:06 PM
 Re: Love Confession
nu see you in chat )
yours, masha
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Nov-2000 03:57 AM
 Re: Love Confession
Dorina, a mistake: disjunctive questions have the same verb tense as in the sentense, e.g. "We have lots of fun here, don't we?", libo "We are having lots of fun here, aren't we?"

Ladno, ne beri v golovu - ya opyat' zanudstvuyu.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Nov-2000 05:45 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Hmmmmmmmmmm, stoyaschee priznanie, Dorina, my tebya tozhe!!! (i vsekh ostal'nykh).
A Yerika ne ispravit', nado emu obyazatel'no chto to ispravit'. Nu nichego, eto on lyubya :-) (ya tak dumayu).

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Nov-2000 08:25 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Well I have almost recovered from this CHAT addiction and now I almost never come here. But I just saw this message from THE DIBIL (MCLOUD for laid people). The DIBIL is kinda bugging me because due to his mental disorders he excercises this irresponsible bahavior. He is THE DIBIL that's all I have to say about him.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Nov-2000 01:54 AM
 Re: Love Confession
To Dorina: Sorry sweety chto tvoy lyubimiy Rus kotorogo ves' portal schitaet dolboebom zaporol such good message, that you posted here.
To Rus: I see it gives you pleasure to show how dolboeb you are and what a coward you are, couse you don't even have courage to say such words in a face.

I think that Igor' should know your address in Kiev, or at least phone number, so I want to warn you be carefull. My city has to be clear of such people as you are.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Nov-2000 02:05 AM
 Re: Love Confession

Nothing can spoil my mood now. I just do not pay attention to annoying things or individuals. Life is too precious to waste it on trifles.

Have fun!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Nov-2000 06:48 AM
 Re: Love Confession
May I add something to this beautiful confession (message #1)?
Just wanted to say that I love you, people of our portal, too! I really feel some kind of bizarre affection to you guys most of whom I have never met before.
We are all so smart, so nice, so good-humored(majority, I mean). We are so cool - otherwise we would not see the sun of America now.
And let us keep friendly relations. This portal helped me a lot when I was lost in the time of despair and loneliness. I found here good friends, whom I wish I could see in the real life! Let's keep it up! Let us be devoted to the friendly circle that has already established in a way. And let not the dogs of war and hatred bark at each other. DON'T LET THE DOGS OUT, WOOO, WOOOO!
And I also grateful to this portal for the greatest gift I have ever received in my life, which I found here one nice October day. Well, who knows, will understand my raving now But it has something to do with the topic, I guess

Let your time here and everywhere else in the USA be just UNFORGETTABLE!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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