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15-Nov-2000 01:35 PM
 Re: Love Confession
McLoud. You'd better not be that optimistic my friend. Because I am also pissed off by the fact the my hometown is full of retards like you. You know what I like to do about em: "KILL HIM WHEN HE'S DOWN" So you better watch out little kid, and what's that shit you're saying about me not being brave enough to throw a punch at you. That kinda shit will make me not want us to meet each other. I can whoop your ass, keep that in mind. So please respond. I hate retards like you so I will just make fun of you till you don't get better. I might as well kill you. So you'd better watch out.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Nov-2000 02:01 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Man, your last message appeared to be a type of kindness. Still I see that you haver something against DOGS?!!! You'd better be careful throwing such words on the portal. If you do not know - I am one of the MSU DOGS, and I am PROUD about that. Anyway, I think you just were not familiar with this, that's the reason for your sentence about DOGS.

You are right about the girl you called the gift. But she is not a thing, but a human being, so do not call her in such a way again.


[ This message was edited by: igor_proper on: 11-15-2000 15:01 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Nov-2000 08:49 PM
 Re: Love Confession
And please try not more spoil messages of OUR portal. NOT YOURS!!! And if you don't respect yourself it doesn't give you a right to disrespect members of this portal.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Nov-2000 04:52 AM
 Re: Love Confession
Dorina! Sorri for that messige that i sent 2 u sluchayno when wi were in chat. I had doubts 'bout u, but now i know i was wrong. it is pleasure to c u in chat, even u don't chat w/ me. Am glad that i can chat w/ yall! I chated w/ my frineds, 'n also w/ such nice pipl that i never met 'em before as Roxy, Tima, Erlen, Musliba1, and many others that can't remember right now. And, of course Yerik toje(kazahtin shum jigiti). Wanna say Thanx to yall for being there to chat; it's really fun to chat w/ u.
Ok, will chat 2 u later,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Nov-2000 02:18 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Hello, Ice-ulu

I also like to chat with you... I am sure we will chat more in the future!

Have fun,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Nov-2000 05:48 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Hi, just wanna say that I'm joining the confession :-). Ice, I am also pleased to chat with you and all the others.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Nov-2000 04:26 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Davaite govorit' drug drugu komplimenty...
Ved' skryty v nih liubvi prekrasnyje momenty...

This chat was created for good purpose - to help us, lost and humble students from the former USSR, find each other in the ocean of strange, unexplicable American life. Quite unexpectedly, though, some lucky guys found here much more than just a friendship and support. I am such a lucky bastard, and as long as Thanksgiving is approaching, my intention is to thank ye all guys with whom I talked, who helped me overcome depression, and to whom I myself tried to help.
The only thing that should not be given any place here is hatred in any of its forms. Yoooou know what I am complaining here about.
Never mind those fools. Enjoy the life! Let us still be friends! and ....


love you all...

especially the Person that first dared to confess her love &-))

[ This message was edited by: timour on: 11-18-2000 17:24 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Nov-2000 11:18 PM
 Re: Love Confession

Dorogije Vi moi odnoprogramniki, dryzya, mozhno skazat' ... ja bil tak rasstrogan vsem napisanim vishe sdes', chto ja reshil odtdat' vam vse svoje samoje dorogoje, eto moje serdce :, kak vi vidite ono vse eshche teploje zhivoje i lybashcheje vas vsex.>

My Heart 4 U


Ne trydno zametit', chto zdes' dva serdca, - odno iz nix zachinatel'nice etogo vsego obsyzhdenija, nashej Dorine, a vtoroje mozhete razdelit' porovny mezhdy vsemi zhelajyshchimi.
Vsegda Vash, istochnik xalyavnix serdec, - Ratmir.
[ This message was edited by: ratmir on: 11-20-2000 00:17 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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