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01-Dec-2000 07:41 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Hi, Ratmir!

Do not be angry with me, please. Your heart is kind and loving, but that piece of meat might resemble the shape of your heart but it looks not really appealing to me...
Usually when I say heart, I do not mean the part of the body that pumps blood through the vessels, but the emotions that come from it. If you want, you can post your photo because according to my opinion, that would look better than that heart.
Tomatoes are not bad at all, but their look needs to be altered a little bit: some green leaves, no cuts, and bytes, and other signs of violence against the nature - like the ones from the tomato-juice bottles.

Have fun!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Dec-2000 08:05 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Proshy proshchenija chto fotky Neo zakril svoim serdcem , esli Vam ono yzhe ne naravitsya , kak govorit Dorina: "Proshla lybov', i che-to tam ploxoje s ovoshchami styryaslos'" to ja serdce sotry ... mogy tyda kakoj-bit' ovoshch povesit', tot zhe pomidor naprimer: Eto pomidor javno ne zavyal....a eto tot pomidor kotorij y Dorini zavyal kotorij bednyaga zavyal , mat' ego , ydobrenij na nego nado pobol'she i pestecidov z gerbecidami pomen'she, poverte yzh mne, biolyxy.

Ili mozhno eshche kakoj-nit' bilogicheskij objekt povesit', kotorij nam vsem tozhe nravitsya, zhaby naprimer... skazky pro Carevny Lyagyshky vse chitali? Tak vot Celyjte ekran v zasos, i bydet vam vasha lybov' , bez vsyakogo ogorodnichestva ogorod
[ This message was edited by: ratmir on: 12-1-2000 21:01 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Dec-2000 11:41 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Rat, nam nravitsya tvoe serdtse, tol'ko kak to ne privychno ego videt' vmesto Neo, Tak dazhe kazhetsya chto eto ne tvoe a ego serdtse tam, potomu chto eto mesto v portale uzhe assotsiiruetsya s Neo.

No vot pomidory... ikh poka stavit' ne nado, lyubov' eschyo ne proshla, postavish' kak nibud' v iyune chtoli ;)


[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 12-2-2000 00:40 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Dec-2000 01:38 AM
 Re: Love Confession
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Dec-2000 04:42 PM
 Re: Love Confession
Lyubov', pomidoru, ogurcu, kartofel', kapusta... vse klasnue ovoschi. da vot chto-to v etom ryadu lishnee, ne sovsem podpodayuscheee pod razdel zemnuhogo stafa.


Nado otlichat' sky-level things from earth vegetables.

Igor from NTHMS.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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