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24-Apr-2001 01:56 AM
  Neo, how come?
Neo, How come i can't edit my own messages? That "edit button", as it look like, just disappeared, not even a sign of it. Where did it go??? Any idea?
(may something's just wrong with my computer again, though)

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Apr-2001 02:02 AM
 Re: Neo, how come?
.. u menya takoe bylo paru raz, i ya figured out, chto nado "zagruzitsa v portal", tipa zaiti v chat, i potom mojno vyiti ottuda, ili napisat' kakoi nibud' message, otvet ili novyi.., glavnoe chto at some point you write your name and password and edit button appeared again for me.
hope it helps
vasha masha
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Apr-2001 02:06 AM
 Re: Neo, how come?
Masha, ya eto probovala. Ya byla logged in, i vse ravno nichego!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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