Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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27-Jan-2002 01:31 PM
hi pipl
do you remember rus, qrk and erlen - those three motherf..ers? do you know that ND, GA and atlanta in particular SUUUXXXXXX?! If not, now you do...
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

27-Jan-2002 01:45 PM
 Re: guys
Privetik Igoryok
toko prochitala tvoe pis'mo
tak.. Rusa i Erlena pomnyu, a kto qrk? Is it Yerkin you're talking about???? do you mean they did this joke??? If yes then Atlanta, Georgia and North Dakota really do suck.....
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

27-Jan-2002 04:25 PM
 Re: guys
very true
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

28-Jan-2002 06:00 AM
 Re: guys
da, we could have guessed by just looking at how nasty the joke is...
cheers, Igor'
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

28-Jan-2002 06:12 PM
 Re: guys
Hey guys, I am still alive, just busy partying JK.
How are you all doing? Proper, dont worry, be happy, life is great
Hey anyone from New York statemor CT??? I am going to new york probably next weekened, so, lets meet with someone and go PARTYING ))
Alina, do you want me to say HI to Fedya?? Hopefully I am gonna get there next week.
See ya all later, have fun.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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