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22-Jan-2002 06:12 PM
  CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
Whoever did that, nice joke.
My appreciation thats, the way to go FRESHMEN!

From: Eva Evangerosa <>
> Date: 2002/01/22 Tue AM 12:19:51 EST

Subject: Urgent updates!
> Dear FSA Students,
> I am glad that you all have a wonderful exchange year
> and that all of you are enjoying American life, its
> rich traditions and customs.
> I was glad that all students liked the Washington
> conference and enjoyed the night tour of the US
> capital. Unfortunately, many FSA participants seem to
> have forgotten the rules and regulations ACCELS
> established for the sponsored students. During the
> conference certain students missed some very important
> lectures and that's why violated the pre-planned
> schedule that was established especially for them by
> the US government. We have tracked some of them
> already, yet there are certainly more that need ACCELS
> urgent attention. In order for us to establish a fair
> punishment we need YOUR contribution.
> As a motivation for you a certain reward system is
> established. For every person you name (all the
> information is confidential) you may receive $10 in
> addition to your scholarship. If that person is
> mentioned confidentially by more than 5 participants,
> you will receive $40 instead. People, whose names were
> mentioned most of all will lose their right to receive
> a stipend for February/March and other disciplinary
> actions might take place as well. Yet, in order to
> still remain fair to the negligent students certain
> things are considered. Those people can also
> voluntarily submit names of others. If they manage to
> turn in at least 10 other people who skipped the
> lectures their scholarships for February/March will be
> renewed and all the information will remain
> confidential.
> date we will consider other ways of punishment.
> What happened at the Washington conference was an
> unprecedented act that should not be repeated. It is
> for this reason we are giving diligent and honest
> students the opportunity to increase their next
> scholarships by a great amount, as well as
> irresponsible students a lesson that they should
> remember all their lives.
> ACCELS appreciates your cooperation and insures a
> CONFIDENTIALITY of all submitted information. Our
> staff members wish you a wonderful and safe semester.
> Sincerely,
> Eva Evangerosa

From: "Ну что ты предал своего друга Акселс?" <>
> Date: 2002/01/22 Tue AM 07:53:28 EST

> Subject: AntiManifest - Important!
> ПИПЛ, всё учавствующее в FSA программе этого года студенчество!
> (Блин, звучат ленинские мотивы, но ведь ACTR использует фашистские методы:
> банально, но в своё время наци именно так покупали голову Зои
> Космодемьянской!)
> Каждый из вас получил предложение от ACCELS увеличить размер своей
> стипендии, назвав всего лишь пару имён своих однопрограммников, с которыми
> буквально как со старыми друзьями АБСОЛЮТНО все в Филаделфии и Вашингтоне
> пили и гуляли - давайте прямо называть всё своими именами. Я не имею ни
> малейшего понятия, собирается ли кто либо из участников приподнять денег на
> этом так называемом предложении, но единственное, что меня выводит за рамки
> - это то, что если только найдутся такие люди - можно говорить о том, что
> ACTR добилась своей негласной, но основной цели: вывести из нас очередную
> генерацию меркантильных про-американски настроенных жлобов, единственной
> жизненной ценностью которых являются деньги, и таким образом готовых
> совершать немыслимо низкие поступки дабы увеличить своё материальное
> благосостояние в следующем месяце (квартале, году...) на малейшую йоту.
> Естесственно, первое, что приходит в голову - крендель просто хочет спасти
> свою задницу и стипендию за следующие два месяца так как моё имя далеко не
> последнее в списках виновных. Неверно. Если бы таковой была моя цель, то я
> бы тихо исподтишка выложил как на духу 10 человек, замеченных за данным
> действом - точно как того требуют ACCELS. Мне же хотелось бы всего лишь
> одного: чтобы эти маргиналы воочию убедились, что ЗА 10 ДОЛЛАРОВ ДРУЗЕЙ НЕ
> Мой идеал и в то же время цель потраченного вами времени на прочтение сего
> манифеста - пусть ACTR не получит ни одного предательского и-мэйла!
> Пусть узнают, что народы, составлявшие бывший Союз, даже после его краха
> сумели сохранить то, о чём ни один американец не имеет ни малейшего понятия
> - обычную человеческую, но тем не менее настоящую дружбу.
> Точка.

> Date: 2002/01/22 Tue PM 04:25:44 EST

Subject: Re: AntiManifest - Important!
> Narod, ya polnostyu podderzhivayu tovarisha iz bratskoy respubliki! U menya
> uzhe v DC. bylo predchustviye, chto ACCELS budet prinimat kakiye-to mery v
> otnoshenii neposeshaemosti tak nazyvaemyh "lekcii po demokratii". Na
> posledok, hochu skazat tem lyudyam kto uzhe kak-to sreagiroval na
> predlozheniye ACCELSAdumaites, gde vash biloy duh bratstva i druzhby?

> From: Eva Evangerosa <>
> Date: 2002/01/22 Tue PM 01:39:14 EST

> Subject: New Deal: Scholarship increase!
> Dear FSA participants,
> ACCELS is pleased to get 10 students already turning
> in their friends. According to my calculations, their
> stipends increased on average by $200 already. As I
> have said all the information will remain confidential
> and no one will know who wrote me letters. Some 50
> students who skipped the conference were named already
> and I'd question the fact that they will receive their
> next scholarships, unless, they manage to turn in at
> least 10 other students. However, there are definitely
> more students who need urgent ACCELS attention because
> of the policy violations. As another motivation, those
> 3 people who turn in the most names in addition to the
> scholarship increase will have a paid 3-day trip to
> Orlando, Fl during the spring break.
> This is America and you don't have to be afraid to
> speak the truth about other people any more. Plus,
> you would definitely need the extra sum of money to
> take home with you.
> Have a wonderful semester.
> Sincerely,
> Eva Evangerosa

> From: "Margaret Stephenson" <>
> Date: 2002/01/22 Tue PM 12:22:13 EST
> Subject: Re: FW:Urgent Update
> Dear FSA Undergraduate Participants,
> I have just learned that some of you received an email message from "Eva
Evangerosa." Please be assured that this message did NOT come from anyone at
American Councils. Eve's name is Eve Angerosa, not Eva Evangerosa, and we do
not use Yahoo to send messages out to participants. In the future, please check
to make sure that messages from us are from the "" addresses. We only
write to you from our "" addresses.
> Sincerely,
> Margaret Stephenson
> Margaret Stephenson, Program Officer
> FREEDOM Support Act Undergraduate Program
> American Councils: ACTR/ACCELS
> 1776 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Suite 700
> Washington, DC 20036
> 202-833-7522
> 202-833-7523 FAX

[ This message was edited by: Tarasishe on: 1-22-2002 19:09 ]
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

22-Jan-2002 07:09 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
read subj plz
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

22-Jan-2002 09:05 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
prosto no so vkysom...

Nash narod yge na yshah stoit!!!
mechtaya izlovit' etogo "shytnika" ;)

Hotya, paren/devyshka, molodez, konechno! ;))
Dorogo otdal bu, chto bu yznat', kto..
Take Care!!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

23-Jan-2002 09:37 AM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
i donno who wrote the starting message (from Eva Evangerosa), but i am sure that person either very smart or just wanted to have some fun.

make your conclusions, guys and girls: of course, clever guys did recognise that the message is a false since it was sent from yahoo. but some of your friends over there in the states are why? because they did reply to actr and just "killed" their friends for only $10 (how do i know they did it - because stephenson [or whoever] with an e-mail address ending with received such letters; otherwise she would not have replied).

so, thanks that guy/girl for the joke. but it contains a bit of the truth.

[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

23-Jan-2002 01:41 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
Yea dude, you see my poing. THere are assholes out there.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

23-Jan-2002 02:44 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
yedinstvennoe, chto raduet, tak eto kak oni sebya seychas chuvstvuut: PO USHY V DER'ME!!! i deneg ne poluchili))), i ACCELS teper' znaet, CHTO oni takoe, da i tem ryebyatam,
kotoryh zdali, vryadli uzhe v glaza posmotryat...v obschem ya im ne zaviduu, oni svoe poluchili esli ne fizicheski (chto tozhe ne meshalo by), to moral'no...

[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

23-Jan-2002 08:40 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
prosto te kto poluchil eto pis'mo, postavili ACCELLS v izvestnost' i Margaret takim obrazom vsye uznala
mne kajhetsya dajhe eto delat' ne stoilo, potomu chto bilo ochevidno chto kto-to prikalivayetsya

a razve nel'zya uznat' kto eto? patsani, sredi vas xakerov net, sluchayno?
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

23-Jan-2002 09:52 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
naskol'ko mne izvestno, uzhe ih vychislili.....tol'ko vot zachem??? Pozdravit' s udachnoy shutkoy?))))))
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

24-Jan-2002 06:18 AM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
mdaaa... ih naverno i vnatyre uje vychislili, da vat tol'ko tolky... hotya kto eto sdelal - molodets... i esli on na takoe poshel, to i tyly sebe prikrul; tak chto mojet but' etogo tovarischa esche he nashli, i ne naydut voobsche
a tot kto poshutil - ved' ne durak, i navernyaka so svoego personal'nogo kompa mesagu ne posylal...

privet veterany
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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