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24-Jan-2002 07:08 AM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
Vo-pervyx privet vsem veteranam i noven'kim.

Vo vtoryx, strannaya shutka.... Neo, ty prav, prosto no so vkusom, no Proper i Taras toje pravy-there are assholes out there. Some of the older ones will remember last year there was an April 1 joke about ACCELS giving a scholarship for another year to those students who have a 4.00 GPA. And even then there was someone to spoil the joke and make his/her mate (I don't wanna say friend, I'm sure no one would wanna call him that) look bad, untasteful stupid and not nice, koroche. Neo and Proper will definitely know who I'm talking about.
Druzhba narodov konechno xorosho, but u need to watch your back at times, but I guess that's not friendship anymore. Friendship is when people trust each other.
I eshe vot shto. Ya ne dumayu, vernee ya ne uverena shto kto-to otvetil na eto provokatsionnoe pis'mo. Ya dumayu shto ACIE staff regulyarno proveryayut etot portal, tem bolee shto podavlyayushee bol'shinstvo iz nix govoryat ili ponimayut po russki. I will turn to the olders again, but Neo, Proper, Taras, Masha and other will remember how once Rus started talking crap about ACIE and the next thing we saw was a message from Eve Angerosa, although no one can be too sure that it was Eve....
There are a lot of questions and practically you can't be sure about anything. Tak chto pust' kajduy zadumayetsa pro implications takogo intsidenta.

Proshu proshenia u tex kogo ya dostala moim "glubokim analizom" proishedshego )

XOXO and I miss you guys,
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

18-Feb-2002 02:22 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
You showed the worst in the worst of us!..
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

20-Feb-2002 07:56 AM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
Yerkin? ty gde propadal???? Ya skoro poshlyu tebe fotki f Kazakhstan Nadeyus' ty ix poluchish'
Pochta is not as reliable in CIS as in the US, but let's hope
PS. A gde ostal'nyie to propadayut???
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

21-Feb-2002 06:16 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))

Privet Alincho... vonces?
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

22-Feb-2002 01:11 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
Privet Anri jan
Es ures chkas ay txa, mi hat gri gone, tak ne chestno.
Whzzzup in DC? How's everything?
Drop a line if you got time.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

28-Feb-2002 03:09 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
Nu postavili nas na ushi, nu i chto,,nu povolnovalkis nekotorie smeshno bilo,,,,soglasno, mozhno eto bilo sdelat na 1 aprelya,,,nu ne uderzhalis rebyatki) Che vi to shum rasvodite? Komuto ot etogo ploxo stalo?
Da, mi tozhe kogda uznali, xoteli etogo shutnika za....chto-to dak on prostozh poshutil, dumayu chto ix bilo mnogo
best regards
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

01-Mar-2002 08:58 AM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
i do not wonna bother, but you, lady, just have no clue what you are talking about. and it is not for one person only to make judgements in this case. i am sure that if somebody had joked in such a way during 2000-2001, everybody would have said "thanks," because the joke would reveal all the "s...t" among our actr students.

anywya, hopes you are doing alright, guys. time is coming and soon enough you will have to leave the states, so - get everything possible and impossible from them (states) while you are there.

[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

01-Mar-2002 12:51 PM
 Re: CHECK THIS OUT!!!! URGENT!!! :)))))))
Hey people, i kak Proper vyrazilsa "new lady"
Delo ne v tom chto my shum rozvodim, etc. a delo v tom chto ved htoto na kogoto ACCTR dones!!! POnimayesh? Vot eto samoye obidnoye. A to chto poshutili, eto koneshno molodcy, shutka udalas na slavu! I lovit nuzhno NE SHITNIKA, a teh kto STUCHAL.
Vso, ciao, Taras
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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