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16-Jan-2002 06:51 PM
  Hey u guys!
Hi everybody!
I just got to this site and i guess everyone is from Armenia, huh?! Or at least the guys from Armenia r prettty active.
Keep that way, guys!
Just wanted to say hi and to let u all know that u've got a new member here)
See ya!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

17-Jan-2002 01:12 AM
 Re: Hey u guys!
Have fun,
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

17-Jan-2002 07:05 AM
 Re: Hey u guys!
Hello, Ruza!
Sorry for formalities ))
Anyway, I want to say that Ukrainians are also active; though sometimes one cannot see it ) But I am very pleased in all possible ways that you guys (Taras, Alina, etc.) are coming here! Keep it up.

Taras: Have you been to UA for new year or not? I guess you went to the UK? Drop a line.

Alina: hey, whazup, girl!!!! Got your e-mail on new year, but have nothing to write you about - all is the same. We spent New Near with other MSU (Mississippi State & Murrey State) guys )) Was pretty cool!

OK, take care!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

17-Jan-2002 02:51 PM
 Re: Hey u guys!
Privetik Ruz jan
Nice to meet you
Basically here u see the 2 majorities of our site. Armenians and Ukrainians. Meet Igor and Taras, very very good friends of mine.
Igor jan, glad you're having a good time. Is your job and stuff ok?
Taras, u back to Toronto? U have a good time at home??? I'm sure u did
Ruz jan, tell us more about urself We'll be glad to get to know u better.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

17-Jan-2002 05:35 PM
 Re: Hey u guys!
Hi again! Sorry Ukranians jaaaan (do u know what jan means?),i hope u didn't get upset when i said only armenians r active))
So as i understood this site is for Armenians and our Ukranian friends, huh? (i'm from Arm. myself)
That's pretty cool! R u guys all in the US now? I'm there enjoying my stay for a year & having much fun!!
I'd heard before about this community, but kak govoritsya, mne len' bilo zaxodit' syuda ) But now i'm glad i did, it seems much fun (well, so far)
Tell me some stuff about u,plz,i'd like to know the ppl i'm talking with
and take care!!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

18-Jan-2002 01:16 AM
 Re: Hey u guys!
Privetik vsem!

Ruz jan, Im glad you are here. You saw me just a couple of days ago in DC, so you know me.
now guys who were not with us there - it was so great! bilo tak zdorovo, chto mi vse vmeste sobralis, no s drugoy storoni ochen grustno. kogda mi rasstavalis, mi tak plakali, potomu chto znayesh chto nekotorix druzey bolshe nikogda ne uvidish...

Alin jan, whats up! ya tak xotela bit v chate v naznachennoye vremya, no ti ponimayesh, zdes bilo 8 chasov utra, i ya , dajhe pri ogromneyshom jhelanii ne mogla prosnutsya, potomu chto otsipalas posle DC. tam mi ne spali 3 nochi. by the way, udalos pooobshatsya ili net

Gazonchik jan, ne obijhaysya, pishi. ti takoy xoroshiy, kak jhe mi budem bez tvoix messagey

nu vsye poka
take care you all

[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

18-Jan-2002 08:16 PM
 Re: Hey u guys!
hey, guys!!
no-no-no.. not only armenian and ukranian guys are here...
Im from Russia)
have fun, catch ya later
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

19-Jan-2002 01:09 AM
 Re: Hey u guys!
Hi everybody!!

Every time i come here nobody's chatting...What's wrong??? Do u have certain time set for it & i don't know anyhting @ it???( Or is it just that u don't chat?

Liana jan, sure i remember u & as u said it was terrific in D.C.!!

Yeah, & what else i wanted to say?...dear olkamouse i'm glad that there r also ppl from Russia here & nice to meet u

See u guys later sometime

[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

21-Jan-2002 03:20 PM
 Re: Hey u guys!
Guys privet.
Esli komuto interesno to ya vchera nochyu priehal nazad v Canadu s Ukraine. Zhalko bylo s Ukrainy uletat, no vso zhe zdorovyi rassudok vzal vverh, i ya reshyl chto nuzhno suda nazad poka yehat. A esli chesno, to ochen byl priyatno udivlen, NU UZH OOOOCHEN mnogo u nas vo Lvove vsakih cafes i barov otkryli i takih dazhe neplohih. Tolko zhal to chto tuda ne vse imeyut vozmozhnost hodit. a tak vrodeby vso po staromu.
U nas segodna poshel sneg v Toronto. Interesno to, chto zdes ego CELUYU zimu nebylo, a vot kak ya priehal, tak on srazu zhe i poshel. Kak govoritsa, privez ya plohuyu pogodu s Ukrainy, gde snega ZAVALIS.
Ladno, idu vsakiye problemy reshat kak vsegda. S odnih problem v drugie i tak vsu zhyzn. Pishyte pisma.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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