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03-Apr-2001 11:35 PM
Whoever this is, posting under other peoples' names, I don't give a damn, but stop it!!!!!! If you think you're being very creative by substituting the "l" in Alincho with a "I", you're wrong!!!!! Degraded people like this serve as proof that ACCELS has miscalculated and some of its "scarce funds" are wasted on such brats....
But hey, I agree with Veteran, people like this don't have a personality, don't have a style, and most of all don't have enough grey matter in the big round things on their shoulders to realize that other people around them do have those things. And it's hard to imitate them....
Tak cho rebyata, kogda vidite something offensive, stupid or meaningless, posmotrite vnimatel'no na nick.
I don't know that nothing can be done about this, but at least we can all watch out for each other.
Take care,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Apr-2001 02:29 AM
just to let you know: i hate caps lock/upper case/capital letters or however you call it.
vasha masha
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Apr-2001 03:23 AM
Masha jan, eto otnositsa k tem lyudyam kto starayutsa izo vsex sil skryvat' svoyu lichnost'.. A tebya my vse xorosho znaem )
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Apr-2001 03:50 AM
esli kto ne ponyal , perevedu na russkiy ili lyuboi drugoi ponyatnyi vam yazyk:
ne lyublyu ya imenno zaglavnye, oni je bol'shie bukvy, i poetomu vsegda pishu malen'kimi
vasha masha
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Apr-2001 04:26 AM
Masha tebya toje imitirovali MUSLiba )
obrati vnimanie )
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Apr-2001 05:13 AM
Hello, narod Portala,

Well, I find myself now in an interesting situation. On the 1st of April I registered myself under a nickname NE0 - da, to samoje NE + 0 (zero) - in order to make fun of you folks, and of Neo in particular If you still remember this glorious day, Andy fooled almost all of you with the ACTR thing, so there had to be a revenge I posted a message urging you guys donate money to the portal, saying that we are again out of money Stupid as it is.
Of course, it was deleted by sami znaete kem in just few hours. Which was cool with me: Neo thought there was a conspiracy going on against him, and thus the great fooler got fooled. April 1 worked well!
And that's it! BUT AFTERWARDS...
I saw there recently appeared fake Alinchos, Muslibas and other well-known and respected people of our portal. I know that I forgot to patent my way of joking, so I have no moral nor legal rights to claim anything, but hey! People, 1 April has passed already! Time to return to normal life. It's not funny after the first joke anymore!
Well, you are free to think whatever you want of me. You can even write me by email. But, again, NE0 was my only creation!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Apr-2001 05:28 AM
mojet ya bu i poveril etomu confessionu.... no naskolko ya pomnyu tvoy joke poyavilsya DO MOEGO! Do actr!!!!!!
a tu nam govorish shto Ne+0 bul kak revenge...
vobcheto ya pojalel shto udalil tu messagu.... ona bula stupid i srazu bulo ponyatno shto ne ya ya togda ochen' razozlilsya ...

anyway, timur, ili kto bu tam ni bul... ne za***te.... vse ravno na eto uje nikto ne povedetsya...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Apr-2001 05:48 AM
Neo, you are right,

I actually posted two messages - one before and one after yours (very clever, bright and funny. LOL). All of them were carefully wiped out by the hand of the moderator who in some other cases does not give a damn if there are messages containing nothing but curse words or not. He just doesn't exist then!

Well, of course my message was much stupider than yours. I am not competing with you, o thou Great and Almighty! I just wanted to make things clear and say there will be no messages from NE0 unless it's 1 April again.

Unfortunately, your keen sense of humor did not allow you to laugh at that cheesy joke. Very well, keep your senses as sharp as they are. Personally, my senses are offended every time I read the "conversation" b/n Ruslito, MC, Taras and you. But it probably depends on the upbringing.

I have no clue of who those phony personalities might be. Write me if you have any questions.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Apr-2001 05:58 AM
pro kakih 2 messaga tu govorish?????

tam bula toko odna kakuyu ya udalil!!!

krome menya ih mog udalit' tolko:
tu sam

plyus pochemu tu menya pripisal k rusu and co?
tak... z***li menya eti intrigi...
delayte shto hotite....
vse! bye everyone!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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