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05-Apr-2001 02:54 AM
  Mama Amerika.. v 22 berega...
Stroki prebuvaniya ACTR'ovcev from Mississippi State University in Washington DC:

May 12 - May 16

List of students:

1) Natalia Tikhonenkova (Belorus)
2) Anastasiya Golovina (Ukraine)
3) Rita Osipyan (Armenia)
4) Igor Voyteskhovskyy (Ukraine)
5) Alexander Tokarskiy (Ukraine)
6) Ratmir Derda (Ukraine)
7) Valeriy Park (Kazakhstan)
Andriy Saskiy (Ukraine)

Svalivayte syuda svoyu info iz drugih univerov, posmotrim kto s kem budet.


[ This message was edited by: Neo on: 4-4-2001 23:52 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Apr-2001 02:14 AM
 Re: Mama Amerika.. v 22 berega...
Tochno ne znayu, but we will be done on 17, probably will depart on 18 too, tak chto Masha nikuda tebe ot nas ne spryatat'sya )))

1) Ya, sobstvennoy personoy (Tajikistan, btw)
2) Anna Landar (Ukraine)
3) Oleg Lazarenkko (Ukraine)
4) Lucine Haroyan (Armeniya)

See ya,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Apr-2001 02:21 AM
 Re: Mama Amerika.. v 22 berega...
staying in DC May 18-24/25

1) Natalia Shelegia (Georgia)
2) Olga Kirimova (Georgia)
3) Maria Shcherbyna (Ukraine)

but you all must have received the list of your workshop people, their country, arrival, departure and evth.
love you, see you soon
;) vasha masha

[ This message was edited by: musliba on: 4-5-2001 01:27 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Apr-2001 02:37 AM
 Re: Mama Amerika.. v 22 berega...
Wesleyan University: nas zdes vsego dvoe
May 19-23
Oksana Kozhemyako (Ukraine)
Alina Rubenyan (Armenia)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Apr-2001 02:45 AM
 Re: Mama Amerika.. v 22 berega...
Ya, konechno diko izvinyaus', chto ne po teme,
no y menya est' odna pretenziya.
Neo, po shee hochesh' za Velery? Ili ty ne znaesh kak moe imya spellingovat'?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Apr-2001 03:56 AM
 Re: Mama Amerika.. v 22 berega...
Western Kentcuky University
workshops: 7-8th of May
otsyuda uletaem 7-go Maya v DC:
1.Aisuluu Bektasheva
2.Ivan Vlasyuk
rebyatki! u kogo toje v eto vremya workshops!? email mne ok!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Apr-2001 03:58 AM
 Re: Mama Amerika.. v 22 berega...
Western Kentcuky University
workshops: 7-8th of May
otsyuda uletaem 7-go Maya v DC:
1.Aisuluu Bektasheva(Kyrgyzstan)
2.Ivan Vlasyuk(Ukraine)
rebyatki! u kogo toje v eto vremya workshops!? email mne ok!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Apr-2001 07:56 PM
 Re: Mama Amerika.. v 22 berega...
I'll be in DC 12th of May. Neo, looking forward to meet you there )
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Apr-2001 08:23 PM
 Re: Mama Amerika.. v 22 berega...
Hi guys
Uletayu may 5, workshop 7-8 may
poka tolko znayu nekotorih kto v eto je time tam budet:
-Ira(to bish' ya)(Ne,Omaha)
poka vse uznayu napishu eshe!!!!! bye!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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The time now is: Sat Sep 08:09 am
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