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04-May-2001 01:18 PM
 Re: Those who...
konechno good guess! it tok me about half year to learn the url to my own pics, so now i can guess yours
vasha masha
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-May-2001 04:37 PM
 Re: Those who...
why doesn't anybody give a proper credit to "somebody" who really created and constantly updated a list of all albums (as musliba said "ALL PHOTOS" in UPenn2 forum)? Who's da real Daddy?! Who was unfairly removed from moderators?! There's a riot coming up if the atrocities don't stop! >:-]

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-May-2001 05:00 PM
 Re: Those who...
yeriku my give credit! nu ne znayu kak my, a ya tochno i ves'ma regulyarno pol'zuyus' postom "all photos" i teper'uje znayu kto kak vyglyadit i tipa uje so vsemi poznakomilas'
xvalyu tebya, babe!!! etogo mnogo ne byvaet, poka ne perexvalili )) moldets!
see you there
vasha masha

[ This message was edited by: musliba on: 5-4-2001 16:59 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-May-2001 10:34 PM
 Re: Those who...
YerQ, neo postavil eto v home page... But you are the first to get the credits!!! Masha, ya k tebe prisoedinyayus'. Uzh kto kto, a ya ne mogu tebe ne dat' credit .
Da... i iz moderatorov tozhe schitayu chto bylo ochen' ochen' ne fair vycherknut' YerQa!!! >

See ya soon, dude!

Roxy (YerQ, vidish', ya dazhe do sikh por pol'zuyus' nickom priobretennym blagodarya tebe! i za eto tebe tozhe credit :/)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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