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14-Sep-2001 11:40 AM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
Interesting thoughts Neo, however I agree with Proper, your logic is a bit subjective.

Some reflections on your ideas, nothing personal, just thoughts:

U mene slozhilos' vpechatlenie shto ty ukazyvaesh' na nashih bol'shih sosedey - Kitay i Rossiyu, hotya moe vpechatlenie mozhet byt' obmanchivo..

Po-moemu vyvody delat' slishkom rano. Ty prav, kto- by ne splaniroval eto, oni och horosho podgotovilis'.

Bez somnenia shtaty nachnut' iskat' vinovatyh, hotya, v pylu poiskov, mogut i zadet' nezameshannyh lyudey i strany.

Bezuslovno, situatsia kriticheskaya dlya stran blizhnego vostoka i, kak sledstvie, dlya gosudarstv SNG granichaschih s nimi.

Hochetsa nadeyatsa chto vlast' prederzhaschie ne poteryayut golovu i ne nalomayut drov.

Naschet Nostradamusa. Otryvok, kak drugie, razmyt i ne ukazyvaet konkretno ni na kakie sobytiya, vremya i mesto.

Kazhdy imeet pravo verit' vo chto hochet, no ne luchshe li verit' v to, chto real'no?

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Sep-2001 09:02 PM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
Hello, man!

As I said, here is what I think about the attack on the USA. First of all, let me state in the beginning that I will point to your mistakes in logic, but I do not want to hurt your feelings, etc in any way. Just want to clarify the things. Second, there wil possible be my own flaws, and you are welcome to critisize me, too )))

OK, your thoughts...
1) "a budu osnovuvat'sya vsego lish zakonami logiki i common sense..." - I would add something else, but not the least important - facts;

2) "Bul broshen vuzov Amerike(miry?), kotoruy ona,amerika(mir?) prinyala/prinyali" - as a matter of fact, America had no choice but to accept the challenge;

3) "naschet jalko amerikancev.... " - of course, it is a personal business of everybody to express regrets on the lives of the dead or not; however, INNOCENT people were killed, and it does not matter if they are americans or representetives of other nations;

4) "Niodna teroristichskaya organizaciya ne raspolagaet takimi sredstvami, krome saudovskogo princa Bin Ladena" - it is just your opinion, but there are no proofs. Maybe there IS another such organization (besides the one of Bin Laden), and nobody knows about it since it does have enough money to keep them dark and secure;

5) "Plyus, esli bu eto sdelal on, to kakoy smusl ob etom molchat'? raz sdelal - raskaji vsemu miru!" - why to tell everybody he did it (in case it was He who undertook the act). Gossips spread fast, and there is no need to make press-conferences to say "I did it";

6) 'sami amerikosu... well... vryadli. Eto ne Rosiya. Tut tusyachi svoih bu ne ubili..." - why not. Sometimes americans are as much crazy as other nations;

7) "Rossiya... Mr. Putin? Podruvatel' domov? why not! u sebya je eti metodu oprobovanu!" - I do not agree with this statement at all. Mr. Putin is not THAT stupid to start war with the States, never. He understands very well that this war might be the end of human being;

"I poetomu on doljen but' uveren shto eto soydet s ruk. V mire et' 2 stranu pered agresiey v kotorue Amerika bu 100 raz podumala nado li eto ye: eto Kitay i Rossiya" - do not get this point, but I am sure there are more countries worth America - not only Russia or China... take more examples like Japan, Asian coutries, etc;

9) "heh! Kitay! interesno.... no sredi mnogochislenuh soboleznovaniy, ya ne slushal ni odnogo ot pravitel'stva Kitaya? Strange? Nigde on v novostyah n figuriruet....." - a lot of other coutries are not on TV either, and the reason is very simple - all the reporting time is devoted to discussions of who could do that, what the results are, and showing pictures of the destroyed buildings;

10) "amerikosu libo ne dokopayutsya ni do kogo, libo esli dokopayutsya to zahotyat krut' istinu. I togda naydut kozla otpucheniya (Bin Ladena)" - before that you possitively stated that Laden is guilty, now you said he is not?..

11) Agree about the president. He acts not the best way - just look at what he did when the news about the attack appeared. Another president would rush to NYC, or, at least, somewhere not far from there to help courage people... he went to other states, far away from the hot place (trying to save his ass?);

12) "Mogu tochno skazat'.... nikogda mir ne bul tak blizok k 3 Mirovoy kak sechas..." - GOLD WORDS ))

13) In general, I think that the terrorists chose the right method if they wanted to undermine America's strenght.
- The Twin Towers were symbols of the States' financial superiority. But devastating them, the guys destroyed America as the world leader (or at least, shake it);
- By choosing the Towers (recall that the buildings are in the center, heart of America's life), they proved that the States' myth of pure security has not basis.

Anyway, it is rather hard to make any predictions as to how the matter will develop. All depends, and depends on a looot of facts.

Let's see. Future will show.

To Andy: Hope you will not be angry, man, that I wrote this "critics" on your thoughts.

Thanks for your time, guys.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

15-Sep-2001 08:47 AM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
Oh, that's a hell lot of opinions!!! too much for me to read ;) (kidding). Worthy opinions... But I didn't smile when I heard about it, I even was upset. Posluzhit urokom? Mozhet i da, a mozhet i net! (khotya y anadeyus' chto da). Mozhet eto prosto moe mnenie, but there is a threat of World War III... I don't think a slightest thought about that could make someone smile. Puskay znayut kak bombit' drugie strany? Da, soglasna, puskay znayut... No pochemu to stradaet opyat' zhe prostoy narod... All I can say is that politicians SUCK A BIG TIME!!! I'm not trying to defend them, I am just against war anywhere in the world!!!

KAzhetsya v istorii Ameriki takogo eschyo ne bylo? nu vot i est' teper'.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Sep-2001 11:07 AM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
bul ochen' rad prochitat' vashi replies!
Plyus mne ochen' ponravilos' pis'mo Rata, k tomu je ya bul kinda happy to know that he was not at one of those planes... chem chert ne shutit....

teper', Proper, da net, kakoy tam angree:0)) ty che.. v spore istina rojdaetsya:0)))
lana, teper' ya dayu svoi comments po vashim... again.... don't be angree:0))) potomushto ya vashey logike sobirayus' zadat' jaru))))

Snachala Nurbek, da eto kstati i kasaetsya Igorya, vu guys nemnojko teryayete nit'! Idete po lojnomu puti v svoih rassujdeniya, v smusle putaete glavnoe s vtorostepennum.

Nurbek Skazal shto ya ukazauvayu na Kitay i Rosiyu.... ha! chitayte moyu messagu! Ya prosto perechislil teh komu ot etogo budut vozmojnue vugodu... a as for Kitay, ya vache skazal sho ne slushal ot nih soboleznovaniy.

>Po-moemu vyvody delat' slishkom rano.

Blin... vu che.... koneshno je, okonchatel'nue vuvodu vsey etoy istorii delat' rano, s etim nikto ne sporit. No delat' vuvodu na raznuh etapah razvitiya situacii prosto nujno, hotya bu dlya togo shtobu prinimat' kakieto resheniya. A ne jdat' neizvesno chego, shtobu sdelat' vuvody. Nadeyus' ya yasno obyasnil svoyu musl'?
I'm business type of person.. as you all know... a takim lyudyam vsegda prihoditsya prinimat' resheniya v usloviyah neopredellenosti i reshat' zadachi s neskolkimi izvestnumi.
Koneshno, esli budut otkruvat'sya novue fakrtu, prinyatue resheniya nado budet korektirovat'...

>Kazhdy imeet pravo verit' vo chto hochet, no ne luchshe li verit' v to, chto real'n

ha! ono to pravilno:0))) Nu tu Nurbek nepravilno ocenil situaciyu:
U nas netu togo shto "realno".. Mu neznaem istinu. A suchestvuet vmesto etogo
- To vo shto ktoto hochet shtob mu verili. Eto to shto tu prinimaesh za real'noe.
Nu mlya! Mu j ne nastoko tupy! kak po mne to luche samomu proanalizirovat' situaciyu, i potom reshit' vo shto verit'...

A nachet Nostradamusa, ha! a ty hotel chisla i imena! Gde ty takoe viduval?!

Vot... teper Proper... Brat, ya eche raz perechital svoyu staruyu mesagu... i nikakih flawas ya ne uvidel....
u tebya ta je oshibka sho i u Nurbeka....

> I would add something else, but not the least important - facts;
Eto samo soboy razumeetsya.... a logika dlya togo shtobu svayzat' vse eti facts....

>as a matter of fact, America had no choice but to accept the challenge;
nu i gde je tut flaw???? Ya i na etot point ukazal kak na constant...

> INNOCENT people were killed, and it does not matter if they are americans or > representetives of other nations;

ya obsyasnil etot point! Lyudi buli ubity - no gotov sporti' shto dlya tebuya eto ne takaya tragediya kak esli bu nedaybog shtoto sluchilos' s kemto iz dorogih tebe lyudey! kak i dlya menya, kak i dlya ostal'nuh lyudey...
Tu dumaesh rodstveniki teh kto podib ne jaleli o pogbshih v Yugoslavii k primeru! Koneshno jaleli! A shto oni teper' oni zapeli....

pro skretnuyu terosristichskuyu organizaciyu under deep secret.... I didn't state that as constant.... so it is open for disscusion... though most likely I was right.... hotya.. vse mojet but'...

naschet uchastiya amerikosov v etoy akcii. Ya prosto ne hotel ob etom dumat'. Potomushto esli eto tak, i esli eto delo ruk amerikanskih specslujb - to u vse v jope!
Podumayte - Putinu nado bulo vzorvat' nekoko domov dlya togo shtob nastroit' rossiyan protiv Chechni. i on mog nachat' voynu...
kakie je togda zadachi u togo kto vse eto sdelal? Esli on takoe nadelal... Amerikosu uje gotovu k voyne (chitay mesagu Rata)
Eto prosto samuy hudshiy variant razvitiya sobutiy....

> I do not agree with this statement at all. Mr. Putin is not THAT stupid to start war with > the States, never. He understands very well that this war might be the end of human being;

Gon!!! Shto ya tebe skaju, sechas v RU samuy silnuy rukovoditel' so vremen Stalina - a v US samuy slabuy za vsyu istoriyu.... pochemu bu ne vospol'zovat'sya etim?
I vache.... tu ne znaesh shto u nego na ume.... Hitler toje nebul "THAT stupid" i ponimal shto eto mojet but' "the end of" germany...

>"I poetomu on doljen but' uveren shto eto soydet s ruk. V mire et' 2 stranu pered agresiey >v kotorue Amerika bu 100 raz podumala nado li eto ye: eto Kitay i Rossiya" - do not get >this point, but I am sure there are more countries worth America - not only Russia or >China... take more examples like Japan, Asian coutries, etc;

A shto tut neponyatnogo? rech' idet o voenoy mochi stran! Japan? Ha! ya bu daje v odin rady ne stavil voenuy potencial etih stran.... a pro asiyu ya uje molchu!
Russia and China! Eto te kto echo kakto mojet sorevnovat'sya s amerikanskoy voenoy mashinoy...

> - a lot of other coutries are not on TV either, and the reason is very simple - all the > reporting time is devoted to discussions of who could do that, what the results are, and > showing pictures of the destroyed buildings;

Another falasy! ya ne ojidayu uvidet' regrets from countries like Zimbabve.... No Kitay ochen' vajnaya politicheskaya sila na mirovoy arene, poetomu oni po idee doljnu buli kakto na eto otreagirovat'.... pochemu hvataet efirnogo vremeni na to shtob to report about zayavleniya Putina? ha? (chitay mesagu rata)

>11) Agree about the president. He acts not the best way - just look at what he did when the >news about the attack appeared. Another president would rush to NYC, or, at least, >somewhere not far from there to help courage people... he went to other states, far away >from the hot place

Rad shto mu tut soshlis'.... no tu pokazal vidimue prichniu.....v principe kotorue nichego ne znachat.... hotya znachat... to shto Bush trus....

nu a s ostalnum vrode soglasen)))

da, echo.... pochitayte messagu Rata! I doveryayu ego analiticheskim sposobnostyam... i dumayu shto his description is pretty objective....
interesno to, kak ego raskaz perepletayutsya s moimi ideyami i podtverjdayut ih!

i poslednee, odin moy drug (toto shto was supposed to be at Twin Towers) na moy otvet kak eto otrazitsya na amerikanskoy ekonomike skazal "war is always good for the economy"...
ne verite? Obratites' k istorii teh je shtatov...

Vse... nadoelo uje po klave tarabanit'...

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Sep-2001 08:00 PM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
VSO! HVATIT!!! Nadoyelo uzhe slushat i chitat vsakiye bredovye rozsuzhdeniya! Zaminayte davayte! A to esho shas dosporites do togo, chto Kuchma zakazal eti ataki. Bullshit. Analitici blin, tak i prositsa slovo HRENOVY!!!!
Mne eto napominayet bolshe ne discussiyu, a VYPENDREZH (Neo, eto v pervuyu ochered k tebe otnositsa)!!! OK? Zaminayte, nadeyusa boshe pro eto zdes ne chitat!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Sep-2001 08:44 PM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
mlya... taras, ne goni... ne hoch' to ne chitay sebe...
hot' ya soglasen shto eto uje poshel gon chistoy vody... i prinimat' dal'neysheye uchastvie v etom trepe ya ne sobirayus'...
a naschet "VYPENDREZH"... gonish brat....
sovkovoe mushlenie.... esli chegoto neponimaesh duk srazu "aty ego"...
koroche... poshel ka ya spat'... ato sechas ya mnogo vsego nehoroshego napishu:-) ya sednya celuy den' razdrajennuy kakoyto i uje s 2mya lyud'mi possorilsya((

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Sep-2001 12:03 AM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
Nu ok, ya sovok i nicho ne ponimayu!!! TEm bolee tvoyu "umneyshuyu" analiticheskuyu informaciyu.

V etoy chasti messagy bylo napisano to, chto vam uzhe ne prochitat.

A na schet vypendrozha: da Neo, chitaya tvoi posty u mena ooochen chasto skladyvalos' i skladyvayetsa takoye vpechatleniye.
A pro prediction NOstradamusa, pro kotoroye vse govorat seychas, i v kotoroye ty "sklonen k tomu shtobu verit' im" to skazhu odno eto vso BULLSHIT!!!

"In the City of God there will be a great thunder,
Two brothers torn apart by Chaos,
while the fortress endures,
the great leader will succumb,
The third big war will begin when the big city is burning"
Nostradamus 1654

Vot etot kusok vyrezanyi iz contexta naverno uzhe kazhdyi poluchil po emailu. I mnogie uzhasno etomu poverili! DA NA DATU TOKA POSMOTRITE!!!! Kakoy v zhopu Nostradamus v 1654 godu!!! On to pomer uzhe v 1566!!!!
Ne verite? Vot

Ili esho vot
ETOpro Nostradamus Predictions o 3 Mirovoy:

Ladno, whatever. [ This message was edited by: tarasishe on: 9-17-2001 00:00 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Sep-2001 07:56 AM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
blya... ya pro nostradamusa napisal v samom konce, i napisal shto hotite ver'te hotite smeytes'...
prichinu svoi v kotorum ya veryu v podobnogo roda vechi ya ni s kem obgovarivat' tut ne sobirayus'... i uj nivkoem sluchae ne s toboy tarasiche,
a to shto ty nihera iz napisanogo mnoy ne ponyal dyk eto tvoi problemy... tem bolee shto sam nichego putnogo po etomu povodu ne skazal...
plyus a v samom nachale govoril shto eta mesaga bula lya menya samogo, no nashlis' lyudi kotorum eto pokazalos' interesnum (Nurbek, Proper)...
Tak shto tarasiche, ne hochesh, ne zalezay v etot post koli skazt' nichego tolkovogo ne mojesh
a pro "vumahivanie" (ili kak ty tam skazal)...
chitaya tvoi posty u menya slojilos' vpechatlenie shto ty chelovek sfera interesov kotorogo ne bolshe mut'ya okon neboskrebov (ili gde ty tam sechas rabotaeh)
vse.... hoch obijaysya, hoch' net... hoch goni na menya.... I don't give a fuk about you and your opinions...

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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