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17-Sep-2001 12:34 PM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
Hey Andy,
You must have been in a bad mood when answering our posts. Come on, be cool!
I apologise if I got you wrong. Happens with all of us.
Just to point out:

>Nurbek Skazal shto ya ukazauvayu na Kitay i Rosiyu....

Ya ne govoril shto ty ukazyvaesh na nih, lish' skazal shto u menya slozhilos' vpechatlenie o tom i dobavil shto vozmozhno oshibayus'. Not?=)

>Kazhdy imeet pravo verit' vo chto hochet, no ne luchshe li verit' v to, chto real'no?

Eto bylo o Nostradamuse. No o nem otdel'ny razgovor.

>U nas netu togo shto "realno".. Mu neznaem istinu.

Nu tut ty yavno zagnul. Otrtsat' realnost' nevozmozhno! A uzh ne znat' istinu mozhet tol'ko ne zhelayuschi ee znat'. POznanie istiny - eto lish' vopros vremeni. Rano ili pozdno vse taynoe stanovitsa yavnym.

> A suchestvuet vmesto etogo - To vo shto ktoto hochet shtob mu verili.

SUSCHESTVOVAT' mozhet tol'ko to shto real'no. Dazhe esli my verim tomu kto iskazhaet suschestvuyuschee.

> Eto to shto tu prinimaesh za real'noe.

Ya koneshno mogu prinimat' zhelaemoe za deystvitel'noe, no, vo-pervyh, shto imenno? a vo-vtoryh eto esche nuzhno dokazat'.

>Nu mlya! Mu j ne nastoko tupy! kak po mne to luche samomu proanalizirovat' situaciyu, i potom reshit' vo shto verit'...

Soglasen, tselikom i polnost'yu!

>A nachet Nostradamusa, ha! a ty hotel chisla i imena! Gde ty takoe viduval?!

Ya ne hotel chisla i imena. Prosto tochnogo opisaniya sobytiy, chego u Nostradamusa ne vizhu.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Sep-2001 01:15 PM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
ne.. ya ne hochu dalshe prinimat' uchastie v etoy diskusii...
ya znayu Nurbek, you are kinda philosophical person.... no izveni ya ne hochu prodoljat' diskusiyu na temi "shto istino a shto net", "realnost'" etc....
vse eti razgovoru ne privedut k kakomuto odnomu mneniyu....
ya sebe znayu to vo shto ya veryu, i takje vu vse....
na etom i ostanovimsya))
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Sep-2001 03:57 PM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
Neee, ne mytiya okon neboskrobov, a "complex restoration of high-rises" nu i k sozhaleniyu etot period uzhe v proshlom.
A vot tebe "bussiness type of thinking person", oy ili na oborot, "thinking person of bussiness type" koroche whatever you think you are, ya STRONGLY recommend TO GIVE A FU**CK. Tak zhyt prosto legche i priyatnee.
Vso, umnik, zhelayu udachi.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

20-Sep-2001 05:32 PM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
Hey, man!

Sorry for such a late reply... Time is not mine now, but I would like to add something here, in this topic. Read below )

>>>Snachala Nurbek, da eto kstati i kasaetsya Igorya, vu guys nemnojko teryayete nit'! Idete po lojnomu puti v svoih rassujdeniya, v smusle putaete glavnoe s vtorostepennum. - As you for me, man, it is you who lost the logic. Re-read your message and you will see that in the beginning you said about the Bin's fault in the happened, then (in the end) you tried to protect him... not fair - you should pick only one point, either Bin is guilty or not!

>>>> I would add something else, but not the least important - facts;
Eto samo soboy razumeetsya.... a logika dlya togo shtobu svayzat' vse eti facts.... - The thing is that you do not have in your possision the whole and complete number of facts, and as a result - there is a false opinion in your head about the attack. No facts -no "logical" logic, right?!!!

>>>>>as a matter of fact, America had no choice but to accept the challenge;
nu i gde je tut flaw???? Ya i na etot point ukazal kak na constant... - You said that America faced the problem, I said that the States had to face it since they could not predict the terract. Do you see the difference?

>>>pro skretnuyu terosristichskuyu organizaciyu under deep secret.... I didn't state that as constant.... so it is open for disscusion... though most likely I was right.... hotya.. vse mojet but'... - kak raz v yablochko!!! If the terrorist organization who did it is a deep secret, NOBODY (almost) would know about its existence. The word itself - secret - means that.

>>>I vache.... tu ne znaesh shto u nego na ume.... Hitler toje nebul "THAT stupid" i ponimal shto eto mojet but' "the end of" germany... - Hitler was mentally ill. Putin is not. In addition, nowadays, Russia is not just Russia - it is Russia plus its relations with other coutnries, with international organizations, etc. In 1940 Germany was on its own, nobody cotrolled it from the outside. Today everything is different: no country is able to make any meaningful act without being watched by at least a few countries.

>>>A shto tut neponyatnogo? rech' idet o voenoy mochi stran! Japan? Ha! ya bu daje v odin rady ne stavil voenuy potencial etih stran.... a pro asiyu ya uje molchu!
Russia and China! Eto te kto echo kakto mojet sorevnovat'sya s amerikanskoy voenoy mashinoy... - no facts, no logic. I do not agree that Asia cannot stand against America. Take Iran, Irak, India.. that will be enough I guess to shut the states' mouth if needed.

Completely agree about the war and its influence on an economy. Lots of people are telling me here now that if a was is started, America will go bankrupt and (what is more important for our people) the DOLLAR will fall down. Well, the fact is the fact - any war is always good for any economy if the fights are not conducted on the territory of such a country. Dollar will probaly fall a bit, but not because the states are deep in shit now, no... because the world is scared. That's will be the only and the most significant reason.

OK, enough. Now the topic can be closed.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

21-Sep-2001 01:23 AM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Oct-2001 03:12 PM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
Ne kislo ... ja kak otkril fotky , to srazy zhe eje i zakril, potomychto ox&*el. Vokryg menya polno amerikosov , a tyt takoje..!!! Ny , Taras, ny sykin syn, ny molodec.. Nado bydet eto delo raspechatat' v kolichestve 10,000 ekzemplyarov i razbrasivat' y sebya po Wisconsiny kak listovki, poka piz**lej ne dadyt.

blin... vot ne znajy , stoit li komy-nit' iz mestnogo naselenija pokazivat', ili net..

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Oct-2001 11:55 PM
 Re: Re: Terror from the sky
U mena tozhe pohozhaya reakciya byla! No nicho, glavnoye chto v samoye yablochko
Kak tam dela? Ya tebe mozhet zvanku kak nibut.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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