Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
23-Aug-2000 02:04 PM
  Hey MMM!
Da Macloud! mne ponravislya tvoi razkaz!!!!! nado bu isebe shodit'.....

vot toko shto prishel s Endlish composition....tot chert dal kakoeto sochinenie pisat'!
skazal 3 paragrafa! a ya dolbu skoko eto tri paragrafa! nakatal ya emu ego! Koroche vuslo v 2 raza bol'she chem nado bilo:-)
daval kakoyto homework, no ya otmazalsya! okazivaetsya oni toje vedut'sya na vsyakie fishki! tak shto ne hesitate lepit' otmazki esli vam bulo vpadlo delat' homework:-) kak mne:-)
Ok, pishite....
da..u menya echo est' accounting! vot eto polnaya mazafaka!!!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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