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31-Aug-2001 07:35 PM
  Back here
Hello to everybody, especially to A. person from Ole Miss and to Proper!
I hope you still remember me (at least I try to remind you about myself )).
There's no particular reason why I post this message. It just happened that I decided to visit our little island which saved us during so called cultural shock.
I was really surprised to see that people still come back here and share their thoughts with others even though it was almost 3 months ago when we left the States. And I think it's really great. It proves that this year WAS special, as Igor said, for all of us (surely for me).
Well, what do we have now? Some people get back to the States, some people get back to their routine life at home. Everyone is at the place where he/she should be
Some people, especially Ukranian guys, are still arguing about patriotism and so on. But what is patriotism?
Our portal is called BRAT-3. It was named by NEO (respect for creating portal) after the movie BRAT-2. So let me remind you one phrase about patriotism from that movie: " Rodina... Rodina tam, gde zadnitsa v teple..."
Some people are happy by coming back to their home countries, others are happy by dreaming to see the Statue of Liberty again someday, the third ones just sit on this statue. Everybody is happy. SO why do you need to shout everybody how good Ukraine (Russia, Kazakstan, etc...) is and how America sucks??? Every person judges about motherland by his own ass - whether it's in the warm place or not. The difference is that all people have different definition for the warm place. Some people need fame and power, others need money. I'm sure that some students (especially from small cities) became famous as soon as they got back home just because they were one of the chosen who stepped on the free land.
No doubt, it gives a big advantage and it really helps in work, in study. Let's say in life. Of course it might not be true. Some people might not use the advantage of being an ex-American student and they just live the same life that they had before. Well, too sad for them.
So here's the choice: you either become rich (why not?) and famous in your Littletown and decide to stay there, or you become "as everyone" but in the United States of America. Who knows what is better? Everybody has his own barrier which he wants to overcome.
There's also one thing that we must always remember.
We are different from others and we were different before coming to the States. Otherwise we wouldn't go there. And our barriers are also different. That's why lots of us want to become rich and famous in the United States.
So what about me? Do I want to come back to the US? Yes, I do. Do I want to live there? I don't know. But let my kazakstanic friends forgive me for my next phrase, I don't want to live Kazakstan as well. I won't tell you why. Let's just say that "moya zadnitsa ne v teple"
Ole Miss is wrong: FSA 2000-2001 is not one of the best, it IS the best. We opened the 21st century, we are the new generation. Always remember that.
Thank you for reading my nonsense.

Love y'all,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Aug-2001 09:34 PM
 Re: Back here
Cool dude! Nice written.
Onlu one comment! WHy not to become famous and rich over here? In US?? AAA? Thats the way to become famous at home! Just kidding.
Keep in touch.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Aug-2001 10:43 PM
 Re: Back here
Yo tarasishe. Nice to see you again.. tebya tozhe Valera. Mozhno few commens?

To Taras: I don't know if US is made for being famous. The only thing is made for is money. Even fame means only money here. nobody here gives a shit about you is you don't have enough $$$. Not a best place to live.. but sure a good place to do something that you like and to earn something.

[ This message was edited by: ratmir on: 8-31-2001 22:31 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Sep-2001 04:25 AM
 Re: Back here
Hello, bros and sisters ))

Well, I hope nobody will get offended for such "names"... Those who were in the south know that it means smth like "dudes, men, etc" but in a special way... whatever.

I just wanted to greet the guy, actually, two, who DID come back to Portal - Rat and Val. Well done, men.

Rat - you are kinda wrong about US as a place. I agree that States are a country to make money. But not only... A little example: when I was in Starkville, almost everybody (!) whom I met there at least smiled me just "because." People do not push you "accidently" there, and if they do, a lot of appologies go right away... When I came to a professor, he treated me like a student and like a personality. Here, in Kiev, when I drop by a lecturer's office in my unversity, he/she looks at me as if I owe $100000000000000000 him/her and do not want to return the debt... Life is smooth in America, and so are people (most of them, if somebody would like to argue on this topic). I cant say the same about UA.

About "patriotizm": if I know that there is another place on the Earth where I can earn for, let's say, a car in one-two years, while in Ukraine I will have to spend my "dear" life to get "zaporojec", then why should I stay here, in this hell... Did you see how many grannies go out every day and stick out there hand asking for a piece of bread? Tooooooooooooons, tooons of them... at the same time those .... sitting in .... Rada make fun with chicks (about $300-400 each), drink Lvivska Vodka ($15 per bottle - in Ukraine it is big money), and drive Mers... Then what the hell do you call "your motherland"??????

There is still no place where I am sure I will live, but I know very well - I do not like Ukraine now!

Thanks for your time, guys and girls.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Sep-2001 07:39 AM
 Re: Back here

heh ne dumal shto budu tak radovat'sya kogda uviju Rata ili Valeru)))
but I did))
rad rebyata shto you are back here...

patriotizm? hm... ya dlya sebya etot vopros uje zakrul.... vu naverno pomnite shto ya mnogoe krichal pro eto.... but what the hell.... kogda tebya za vse eto "gladyat" po golove...
nu huje vsego to shto eta narodnost' kotoraya projivaet na teritorii UA sovsem ne zaslujivaet ni moih ni vashish jertv...

da, ne budem sporit' shto v US ne sladko.... no iz dvuh zol budem vubirat' menshee...

ya ne stremlyus' v US sechas.... but ya i v UA navsegda ne ostanus'....

vobchem vse for now...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Sep-2001 06:34 PM
 Re: Back here
Neo: Kak zhe teba bystro slamala Ukraina! A pomnish ty govoril, "Shtaty lamayu, no tolko SLABYH". A Ukraina tebe SYLNOGO vooo kak bystro slamala! :0) Eto tak, zahotelos vdrug skazat po staroy pam'ati. No offends.
Proper: Da, ty prav pro babushek! Mne na eto bylo OCHEN nepriyatno smotret kogda ya byl na Ukraine! Dochego stranu doveli!!! Zdes pravda tozhe est mnogo ludey na ulicah s protanutoy rukoy asking for change, i pritom sovsem ne staryh. I mena eto vdvoyne gnetet, chto oni suki zdes babki prosat, kogda oni pochti "na doroge" valayutsa! NU esli ne den'gi, to havchika na halavu mozhna povsudu nabrat, est food banks dla maloimushih. tak vot, kogda eti hreny lenivye ko mne pobhodat asking for change ya ih vse POSULAYU,,,, BLA ;) na RABOTU! Govoru: Dude, fuck off, get your ass to work!" Oni ochen obizhayutsa, no molchat. Vot tak vot.
Rat: Da ya shutil zhe naschet famous! A pro dengi eto da!! Fact, neosporimyi!!! NO vso zhe, ne v den'gah schast'ye, NO bez deneg tozhe schasta malo :_ GY
Vso, pokadava,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

03-Sep-2001 09:20 AM
 Re: Back here
Privet vsem!
Valera, y menya k tebe yzhe davno pretenzii) Tak vot: esli b znala v Washingotne, chto tu tot samuy Mr.X --- ybila b sobstvennumi rykami) LOL!
Ratmir, I remember you as well. Have fun in the States!!! I za menya tozhe , ok?)
A pro patriotizm--horoshaiya y vas tema, rebyata... Vse govoryat, chto liybiyat svoiy rodiny, vot tolko nekotorue hotyat destvitelno chto-to delat na ee blago i tak dalee. Esche menshe ne hotyat nikyda vuehat. O chem tyt mozhet but rech in this case?
Ok, enough pro eto, a to mozgi pydryatsya)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

03-Sep-2001 01:36 PM
 Re: Back here


Ya yak founder topica po Patriotyzm... some comments...
Dlya Valery: pryklad Brat-2 nevdalyi - ce gan'ba rosiyskomu kinematografu, neyakisna lyal'ka... i politychne zamovlennya ( primer Brat-2 neudachnyi -eto styd russkogo kinematografa, nekachestvennaya kukla.. i politicheskiy zakaz).
Dlya vsih inshyh: patriotyzm musyt' buty. Spochatku ye vin - potim resultat. Ex.: Poland 80-s, Germany 30-s, France, US - alwaysss!!!
Shkoda, Proper ne stusuvalys' na dyskotivci. Kazaly, ty hotiv zi mnoyu poznayomytys'. Sche vstygnemo...

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

03-Sep-2001 07:19 PM
 Re: Back here

To Taras: ne sloman, a razocharovan.... which is far worse...

To Nihto (Rostyk?) ty buv pravuy v svoiy munyliy mesazi..... prote zaraz ce vje nemaye niyakogo znachannya.....

To all others: podderjivayu Olesku.... hvatit mozgi pudrit'... hotya delo vashe.....

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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