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22-Sep-2000 06:12 PM
Hey guy!!!
This is Rus. Well the REPORT I wrote turned out to be rather controversial. Some people love it and think it is really funny and others don't see the point. These other people for some reason think that I tried to INSULT KAZAKSTAN in my writing. I want to clarify this. My report has nothing to do with ethnical diversity. I don't have anything against people from Kazakstan. And furthermore Yerkin is the man. He is cool because he's got a sense of HUMOR which most of you guys lack!!! I feel sorry for most of you, really. You need a sense of HUMOR to appreciate something like this. AND YES it is not true. The writing has no credibility whatsoever. YERKIN is A PRIMERNIY MALCHIK. All he has drunk so far is 2 cups of punch and lots of lots of orange juice. Don't even think about POT. He does not know what it is. Now are you happy???? I bet you are. Anyway I hope this will be of enormous help to some people who are completely lost now and who don't know who is right. You know that Yerkin is allright if that is something you are worried about. He is fine because he does not have to fulfill this community service requrement, well 20 hours. We all do. I want to thank all of you who spared your precious time and read this.
Sincerely, Rus from Kiev Ukraine.

[ This message was edited by: Rus on: 9-22-2000 17:52 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Sep-2000 10:40 PM
Rus, I am very glad that you has at last opened the truth about the story. Really, there were too much debates on this topic and some of them were straight against You, old man! At first time I was a little confused with the business, 'cause I could not believe that you could have writen such a piece of shit about one of your best (or the best!) friends. But later I realized that it was just a jok - the very best one since I came to the USA. Thank You for it. And thanks Yerkin for his patience and desire to participate as a victim. It was quite funny. Why don't you go on with your stories? I hope everyone will injoy them!!! But if not, anyway I will!

And one more thing. Have your heard about Intellectual Proper? I guess you have. Aren't you afraid smbody will steal your idaes and stories. I think you need a lawer or smth like that. Keep this in mine!

Igor from hot Mississippi.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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