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14-Aug-2001 02:51 PM
Wazzzup guyS!

Da.... davnen'ko ya tut ne pokazuvalsya....
a sechas ya tut zametil new generation.... to srazu vospominaniya.... rovno god nazad i mu buli na meste teperyashnih studentov.... takie je zelenue... ispuganue.... v ojidanii neponyatno chego...

Kak tam vse vy? Pochemu molchite? ya znayu u mnogih est' inet... davayte ne teryat' connect...

O sebe paru slov...
pervoe - sorry za to shto ya ne pisal vam vsem..... bula kucha troublov.... nedavno ya vernulsya from the "craziest" trip in my life...
sechas mne vlom raskazuvat'..... no obechayu shto raskaju.... u menya ostalas' kucha zapisok kakie ya delal v doroge... ya sobirayus' vse eto delo obrabotat' i vudat' na gora story....

Dalshe.... sechas ya zanyalsya rabotoy.... staying at home.. Khmelnitskiy... v UA ya sobirayus' probut' echo at least do zimy... a potom esli povezet i u menya poyavyatsya den'gi I'm gonna make my second crazy trip... bulo bu neploho nayti takih je beskrushnuh kompanyonov.... anyway... pozje raskaju v detalyah...

ya pomenyal email... almagesta uje davno perepolnilas'... sechas moy personal email: pishite... stuchite v rel'su....

Dalshe.... Proper.... ya rad shto tu smotrish za poryadkom v etom portale))))))

To newcomers:
rebyata... tak poluchilos' shto samaya pervaya mesaga kakaya bula zdes' opublikovana bula sdelana mnoy... (tipa ya ego creatil)... vobchem hochu skazat' vam good luck!
vperedi vas jdet ochen' klasnuy god! budet tyajelo.... srazu govoryu.... gde pod konec pervogo semstra vse zahochetsya nafig kinut'.... no mlya.... kogda vu cherez eto proydete vu poymete kak eto bulo klasno!
Vobchem udachi vam! Ona vam ponadobitsyatogda kogdfa budete pit' na kampuse.... cheat na klasah... nelegalno rabotat' etc....

Vobchem tak.... esli komu nujen kakoy help... kakie sovety, sprashivayte nas! Mu cherez eto proshli! I nechego vtoroy raz to invent the wheel!
Podskajem.... kak u prepodov prolongation paperov vuprtashivat'.... kak vtiharya podrabatuvat'... kak otmazat'sya ot community service i drugoy actrovskoy muti....
da.... tut ya videl nekotorue uje sprashivali pro kartochki.... samuy deshevuy sposob eto inet! dumayu sechas u vas kartochek nima, no kak toka poyavyatsya tak toka i v inete pokupayte! ne boytes'.. nikto vashi den'gi ne zaberet.... i vache esli budetet pokupat' v inete to dohera sekonomite...
da che tam govorit'....
mu s properom sobrali dohera resursov po etih voprosah na portale.... uzayte na zdorove... chat .. webemail...est'....

i esli budut nujnu sovety - sprashuvayte.... dumayu kajduy iz FSA2000 budet rad pomoch...

Good luck!

P.S. da, i roskajite bashim druzyam pro etot site! ya ne oshibus' esli skaju shto dlya mnogih FSA2000 it was a special place.... hotelos' bu shtob i vu zdes' nashli toje shto i v svoe vremya nashli my....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Aug-2001 04:47 PM
 Re: Greets!
Hi man, thanx for the nice words, thats what i was told that this site was a great thing, but now im sick and tired of some dumb ass people, who think they are something, who are trying to kick asses from ukraine, but don't realize that they might get their ass f***ed. Anyways we really like this place, and thax for offering help, but everything is great so far
P.S. I like this site, i was just wondering if you could create a directory here specially for UPENN1 2001, msg me plz. ok??? bye
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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