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30-Apr-2002 08:07 AM
  S prazdnichkom !

Privet vsem!

Davnen'ko ya syuda ne zaglyadyval..

Vseh vyzhivshih portal'tsev,

"terpen'e i trud vse peretrut!" =)

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-May-2002 09:39 AM
 Re: S prazdnichkom !
... i s dnem pobedy

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-May-2002 05:45 PM
 Re: S prazdnichkom !
Ty zhiva esche, moja starushka? Zhiv i ja...Privet vam vsem, privet!

X-Ray, kak dela v Bishkeke? Komsaid, kak zhivut trudiaschiesia v Dushanbe?

V Kazani vse spokoino, spokoino, spokoino...dazhe skuchno stanovitsia...napishite, chto li!

ja vse tam zhe:
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-May-2002 06:28 AM
 Re: S prazdnichkom !
hey, whazup, people

nice you are all doing fine. Kom, X-Ray, Tim, and Co - do you have alumni activities in your cities? If yes, drop a line what kind?

Congratulations with upcoming SUMMER!

Btw, have you yet seen the new FSA U-grads who came back to homeland?

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-May-2002 09:42 PM
 Re: S prazdnichkom !
A zdes nema takogo prazdnika Vot tak vot.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-May-2002 01:00 PM
 Re: S prazdnichkom !
Oy, kak ya rada snova tut videt' znakomye litsa!!! ))))))))) Azh vsya nedel'naya ustalost' proshla!!!

Proper, we do have alumni activities: like gathering up twice a month and discussing things, we've (well, I didn't take much part in this one) created alumni association (and I bet every other country has that long ago), I know that Tashkent often holds alumni activities, sometimes for the whole central Asia. In Feb. they had a training course for alumni on Business Planning and they are conducting another one this summer (I might go again). Oh, yeah, we are meeting the coming U-grads next Friday.


Love ya all,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-May-2002 02:09 PM
 Re: S prazdnichkom !
hey, roxy!
i am glad you have replied, since I thought everybody was completely dead... probably each of us is having rough times with finals or kind of ))

we also have an alumni club here, but i do not participate there much due to lack of time. still, i guess flex guys are very atcive comparing to u-grads.

ok, keep in touch.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Jun-2002 07:45 AM
 Re: S prazdnichkom !
I'm still alife here .

Yeah, finals suck! especially when you have to pass lots of tests, lots of just-exams, three state exams, and a diploma research work, knowing that the next year you'd still have to go to school (oh, yeah, and considering that you don't even like your major but can't change it as you could in the states).

But life is beatiful and full of fun . I don't go to alumni activities very often, too (don't have time either). Proper, you're right, flex is much more active. But, HEY! I work till 11-12 p.m. with no week-end sometimes, when am I supposed to come to ACCELS? 1a.m.? I don't thinkso ;).

By the way, I LOVE my job .

And I love ya all too .

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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