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07-Feb-2001 05:16 PM
  X-ray, happy birthday to ya!
Пусть, что хочется, то и сбудется,
Что не ладится - позабудется,
Пусть хорошее вдвое умножится,
Пусть удачно все в жизни сложится!

S Dnem Varen'ya!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 05:35 PM
 Re: X-ray, happy birthday to ya!
Hi X-Ray!!!Is it really your birthday???Sorry ,nice question ,yeah?
Well,wish you great love and real happiness..!!!Wish you to spend "left" 3 monthes in here meaningfully with lots of nice memories.With best wishes,NIno.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 06:00 PM
 Re: X-ray, happy birthday to ya!
Happy Birthday, Nurbek!!!

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Nurbek, Happy birthday to you!!!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 06:12 PM
 Re: X-ray, happy birthday to ya!
S dnem vareniya!!!!!
Vsego samogo nailuchego tebe!!!!

Mo s igorkem v subotu i za tvoe zdorove vupem!!! Eto u nas budet triple birthday:-))))

Have fun!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 06:57 PM
 Re: X-ray, happy birthday to ya!
Thank you guys!
Thank you for your warm wishes it's a joy to read them!
Vash, Nurbek.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 07:38 PM
 Re: X-ray, happy birthday to ya!
Feliz cumpleanos, X-Ray!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 07:45 PM
 Re: X-ray, happy birthday to ya!

Nurbek,dear,happy B-day!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 08:17 PM
 Re: X-ray, happy birthday to ya!
Nurbek, I wish you all the best in your life. May every wish of yours come true!

Happy birthday!
S dnem rozhdenya!
Z dnem narozhdeniya!
Ruzi tavaludat Muborak!
Tu ruzi tavallud kati tu tabrikum!
Zodruzat Muboroak!
Congratuliere ich sie mit dir Geburstag!

(I am not good at German, I am really bad at knowing German, so please, hose who know German, DO NOT correct my mistakes. Doesn't matter how right I wrote it, what matters is that I wanted to congratulate a frind )

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 10:10 PM
 Re: X-ray, happy birthday to ya!
happy birthday, dear fizik, kollega ))
prisoyedinyayus' ko vsem pozdravleniyam i pozdravlyayu tebya sama: s dnem rojdeniya!!! z dnem narodjennya!!pust' on budet xot' chut' chut', no osobennyi!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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