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International Students Online

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21-Aug-2000 01:45 PM
  Happy start!!!
Hi, guys!!!
Can you imagine how my first day of school started? With a test!!! You wonder in what subject? In Spanish!!! I've never had Spanish in my life!!! The teacher said it was OK, just to find out what our level was, but it was funny to see how stupid I looked guessing and filling in the spaces.
Yesterday we had an International students reception. I met many people from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Columbia, Malasia, Japan etc. In fact, about 35 countries of the world have their representatives here in UNI. It was great!!!
Hey, boys, do not overdo with your drinking. Your american friends are a bit hilin'kiye. I know a guy from Moscow who treated some Americans vodkoy "Kistall", tak oni dazhe ne zapivali, tak ponravilos'.
Anyway, be careful.
Have a successful first day of school!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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