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19-Aug-2000 07:49 PM
  Ukrainian PARTY!!!!
Hodili mu segodnya v mestnuy grocery!!! ya tak zatarilsya!!!! vsego nakupil! a glavoe kartoshki!!!!! ya vpervuye za 2 nedeli pokushayu normal'nuyu kartoshku!!!!!! pravda dlya etih celey echo prishlosya kupit' skovorodku za 5 baksov no nichego!!!!! i segodnya vecherom ya planiruyu UKRAINIAN PARTY! blago u nashey natashen'ki est' vodka pripryatana:-)
tak shto pokushayem hot' normal'no:-)

Kto takaya oly? nu ya mogy vam skazat', no raz ona hochet ostavat'sya inkognito to eto ee pravo:-)
Kstati, vseh pravoslavnuh s prazdnikom SPASA!!!! tak shto est' povod vupit'!!!!! mu segodnya za vseh vas vup'yem! nadeyusya shto i vu vup'ete za nas - geroev Mississippi! okromya nas, ruskih tut golyak!!!!
oh....skoro i do VARENIKOV doydem!!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Aug-2000 09:02 PM
 Re: Ukrainian PARTY!!!!
Oly eto I. Olga from Russia, Presently staying in the state of Nebraska. Omaha. Previously stayed in 919 at Penn. privet
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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