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29-May-2001 05:05 PM
 Re: Privet iz Khmelnitskogo!
Neo: (po-moemu) kstati...why?

privet. rad, chto vy vse zhivy. супер. не сдавайтесь. через месяц все забудут, что вы из Мамерики и начнут относиться как к простым нормальным людям. надоело бухать. хочу обратно б безалкольные штаты.
народ, а где там у АСПРЯЛа регистрироваться можно, я бумажонку ту потерял.
ну, за вас всех!
охрипший от пива тимур
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

30-May-2001 08:34 AM
 Re: Privet iz Khmelnitskogo!
Как там Казань поживает?
Если я правильно понял, то ты спрашивал насчет BECA(former IREX), т.е. I-net access. Тады иди в офис АКСЕЛСА и спроси адрес и остальную инфу там.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

30-May-2001 05:25 PM
 Re: Privet iz Khmelnitskogo!
Кат зе креп, гайз, лет'с кип токинг ин аур коммон ленгвидж.

Тейк ит изи.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-May-2001 10:20 AM
 Re: Privet iz Khmelnitskogo!
I've never thought that it would be that bad. People are laughing at me when I'm saying thank you in the store buying something. People are damn angry on everything and ready to kill each other.
But anyway it's my country, so I'll probably get through this period soon, I don't know.

See you,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-May-2001 01:06 PM
 Re: Privet iz Khmelnitskogo!
Vasek, I agree with you: some people just can't understand that when you smile to them, it means you are telling them "I am glad to see you (or talk to you, or whatever). But this is understandable: remember what you felt when somebody smiled to you in the past? You probably thought they are laughting at you for smth (your appearence, voice, etc).

On the other hand, there are lots of people who understand this and smile you back; and then the sun shines brighter, you both are happier, and the life is lighter.

So, smile, it is worth doing )))

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Jun-2001 09:49 AM
 Re: Privet iz Khmelnitskogo!
Moi e-mail
Take care...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Jun-2001 07:46 PM
 Re: Privet iz Khmelnitskogo!
Hey, people!!! Soooo nice to "see" you in here!!! Keep it up!!! I know what it really means- my dean and the whole Uni drive me CRAZY. I believe most of you feel the same
Good luck with you finals (back home :O)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Jun-2001 08:48 AM
 Re: Privet iz Khmelnitskogo!
Privet. Vot, vremeni net, a vse taki reshila dat' znat' chto ya poka tozhe tuta!!!
Kstati, here's what I did, and hope you'l do too. Ya tut orientatsiyu provodila noven'kim studentam kotorye v Ameriku edyat. Tak vot, ya im dala adres etogo sita, skazala chto tut oni mogut nayti cheap sources for phone cards and so on, sprosit pro chto to chto nado dlya ikh paper, ili prosto poobschat'sya s drugimi. Rebyata, ne propadayte!!!!

Derzhite svyaz', i dayte drugim kotorye edut v Ameriku po FSA znat' ob etom site. Let AbroadPlanet live!

Love ya'll,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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