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12-Dec-2000 12:18 AM
I have some news for you, mozhet kto to iz vas uzhe davno ob etom znaet, no I'm sure there still some who don't know this.
Today I got Email from a friend who told me about a website. On that website you can type o russian without switching the encoding of your computer to Cyrillic or any other font, and without even having Russian keybord (I mean keyboard with russian letters). You just type on russian language using English letters, just like you do here in chat or forum, and the computer itself transfers it to russian letters. Try it, click on the link below.

I hope you will like it.


[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 12-12-2000 01:16 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Dec-2000 02:30 AM
 Re: Novost'
Ya uzayu Langoo uje 4 mesyaca chtoby posylat pisma domoi.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Dec-2000 04:36 AM
 Re: Novost'
a ya poprosila i mne na odnom kompe v komp lab zagruzili russkuyu i ukr klaviatury. vot ))
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Dec-2000 05:18 AM
 Re: Novost'
Rukhshona, thank you so much. Of course I could use Russian fonts on my computer four months ago, I installed them; but it's a bit hard, because you don't have a special keyboard.
But with the Langoo things got really easy now.
Hey, and you might make me rich because of this cool font engine!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Dec-2000 06:16 AM
 Re: Novost'
Hi again,

ERL I am glad for you, but I just wanna site once again what I said in the very first message:
"mozhet kto to iz vas uzhe davno ob etom znaet, no I'm sure there still some who don't know this".
Well, ty otnosish'sya k pervy chasti etogo predlozheniya, t.e. k tem kto ob etom uzhe davno znaet.
It was not really necessary to let me know you knew that 4 months ago, well, I don't mind your letting me know, I just don't like the way you did it. I told it to those who don't know, and I don't need the "Privet"s and "xi-xi"s of those who know it already (please don't get offended).

Tima, I am glad it helped you.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Dec-2000 05:36 PM
 Re: Novost'
Salom borodari Komsaid

Az samimi dil ba hamai shumo hushbahti, salomati, zindagi duru daroz mekunam.

Bo ehtirom Erlen.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Dec-2000 07:13 PM
 Re: Novost'
Erlen-aka, tashkkur baroi sukhanhoyat ba zaboni tojiki, lekin man "barodar" ne, man "khohar", khay maylash, az baski "komsaid" az nomi akem girifta shudagi, "barodar" acceptable meboshad.

Bo ehtirom,

P.S. For translation of this message refer to then same sources as you refered to for writing the above message you wrote.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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