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08-Feb-2001 04:00 AM
  AbroadPlanet listserv
Hi guys!

hochu predstavit' vashemu vnimaniyu moe novoe detiche:-))))

International Student-to-Student Network!
studencheskiy telagraf ili kak tam:-))))

ya sdelal listserv nam, esli kto rabotal s newsgoups to znaet shto eto takoe....

etot list sovsem ne protestirovan echo.... tak shto vozmojnu glyuki! Udalyat' ih budu po mere vuyavleniya! vse bugs please report me at this topic!

just follow the instructions! da!!! i ne zabud'te raskazat' ob etom vsem svoim druzyam!

ne rugat'sya
nu i jelateln' obgovarivat' student related issues... poskolku set' to vsetaki studenchskaya!
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[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Feb-2001 04:35 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet listserv
A otkuda budut resursy idti? Samomu pisat' i rassylat' malost' trudoemko. Predlozheniya?

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Feb-2001 03:56 PM
 Re: AbroadPlanet listserv
Skoree vsego po printsipu obychnoy rassylki. Vse resursy budut ot vseh nas, pravda Neo pridetsa vse eto obrabatyvat' redaktirovat' i soedinyat' vmeste.
Kstati, Yerk, pochemu by tebe ne vzyatsa za rassylku? Esli Neo ne protiv. A on pust' portal sovershenstvuet.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

10-Feb-2001 01:08 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet listserv
Ok, Nurbek prav...

pust' rassulkoy zanimaetsya ktoto drugoy....
Yerkin, ili k primeru Ratmir...

a to vse na odnogo cheloveka kakto znaete....

tak sho, kto? tam vsego lish neskol'ko cgi scriptov nado.. u menya samogo netu vremeni na eto...
test' esli iz vav nikto ne vozmetsya - to ono vse ostanetsya emailom.... podpiska po email etc..

vobchem davayte, kto hochet - pishite i ya vam dam ves' dostup..

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

10-Feb-2001 04:49 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet listserv
minya kaneshna nikto eshche ne sprashival, no ja skazhy zaraneje, - mne chernovaja computernaja rabota ne po dyshe... ja krasoty lybly. Vot web-design ili komp grafiky... a syxije strochki resulting in syxije strochki v komandnoj stroke.... ne mogy. Serdce ne velit.
Esli nado bydit chto-nit' narisovat', ili krasivoje skonstryirit' - pishite, ili zvonite 1-800-into-the-rel'sy
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Feb-2001 05:19 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet listserv
AbroadPlanet staff:
Neo - programmno-apparatnaya nakachka;
Ratmir - web-design;
Yerkin - beta-tesing, samaya halyava ))))))))))))

A esli serjezno, to mogu script priheryachit', tolko esli hot' kakim-nibud' syrym ishodnikom obespechat, a to s nulya script pisat' napryag bolshoi. I prostranstvo pod debugging, to bish account v sisteme, zhelatelno v wheel-gruppe ;)

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Feb-2001 12:54 AM
 Re: AbroadPlanet listserv
nu da.... koneshno raspredelenie obyazanostey hot' kudu...
vu che dumaete Neo boshe nechego delat' chem v codah kopat'sya?
ya s rabotu chut' ne ushel potomushto menya nachali programmingom podgrujat'... a po kontraktu ya designer... net uj..

Tem bolee shto pochti ves' design gotov uje..
Da, Rtamir, rabota dlya art person... po dizaynu... hujno narisovat' menyushku na abroadplanet.... staruyu ya prosto tak vsunul bul..

Yerkin, online podpiska proche parenoy rey! Prosto delaetsya obuknovenaya cgi forma submita! i ona shlet info na mulo!
Da v inete etih form tucha!
davay, kak toko shtoto naydesh, skaji mne i ya tebe dam dostup budesh ustanavlivat'..

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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