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11-Feb-2001 04:25 AM
 Re: Vopros
Hey, Alincho, X-ray! You wanna chat?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Feb-2001 04:26 AM
 Re: Vopros
let's go
I'll be waiting till 12:35 ET
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Feb-2001 05:30 AM
 Re: Vopros
Remember the old legend about Alexander The Great? Here's the story.

Once he ordered to gather all the wisest of the wisemen on Earth (of course at that time) to find an answer to the ultimate question - what is the meaning of life. He told the team of wisemen to put it out all in one short passage. They've been thinking for a week and finally did it.

Next thing Alexander The Great asked them to put the whole meaning of life in one sentence. The task was hard, wisemen were thinking for a month. At last they manged to scribble something. The sentence was completed.

At last, Alexander asked them to put the meaning of the whole life in the whole Universe on ONE WORD. The wisemen said: "For God's sake, it's gonna take us a whole lot of time!" - "Take as much time as you want, but answer my question." So all the wisest of the wise gathered for their ultimate meeting. They were sitting day and night, thinking harder than ever. It took them a year to firuge that out. After all the door of their room opened and one of them went out and addressed Alexander The Great: "Oh Master! Let us show you what we think if the meaning of whole life. We put it in one word, and it's.......SURVIVAL."


PS: Excerpt from the "Chto? Gde? Kogda?" game aired long ago.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Feb-2001 06:11 AM
 Re: Vopros
the question you are asking is one of know...vechnyje voprosy russkoi intelligencii...kto vinovat, chto teper' delat', chto bylo ran'she - kurica ili jaico (ran'she bylo vse, kak izvestno), i kak kushat' rybu - rukami ili pri pomoschi stolovogo pribora...
Kak tol'ko ne nazyvali cheloveka...Mysliascheje zhivotnoje (Aristotle), communicating animal(K. Burke), story-telling animal...Vidno, avtoram etih definitions osobenno imponirovala mysl' ih rodstva s orangutangami. Mne kazhetsia, chto poka primaty ne nauchatsia elementarnoi arifmetike, i umnym slovam, kotoryje ja bez konca ispol'zuju, nam rano na nih ravniat'sia. Nu ne znaju kak vy, no ja ne zhivotnoje, i, for sure, ne skotina.
Drug, everyone decides for himself. I can only share with you what the so-called meaning of life is for me.
It is: to find God, to save my soul, and to save as many souls as I can. Physically - in this world, and, if possible, spiritually. To be truly devoted to your country that gave you birth. To help it more than it is in your power. To be a good son, a good brother, etc.
But the most important is to be the light-giver, the pain-healer, the peace-maker. To bring good whenever you go. I try to follow this, but I lack too many traits that would facilitate the final realization of my earthly dreams. But the thing is, I always become extremely, furiously excited when I meet people with the same mindset, who are on the same brain-wave with me. That is why it's such a good idea that you come up with the Project. WE CAN TURN the world into a better one. Determination, trust and patience - that's what we need right now.
Many folks would say, hey, the world always was that way, there's not too much you can change about it.I don't pay attention to fools. The world is already changing.
The history does not repeat itself. It does not develop in a spiral way. It just goes further, and this is about the right time to decide, whether we are part of this future, or not.
Whoever reads it and finds it overfilled with pathos - Whatever. That's my way of saying things.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Feb-2001 07:00 PM
 Re: Vopros
Zachem nam Bog dal zhizn'? Nikto ne znaet. Dumayu posto dlya togo chto by zhit'. A kak eyo prozhit' uzhe ty sam reshaesh'. Glavnoe, you should live your life with full lifestring! A eto uzhe dlya kogo kak, dlya kogo to mozhet eto spasat' svoy narod, dlya kogo to priobretat' chto to na buduscheye (kak naprimer kogda izobreli electrichestvo), dlya kogo to khodit' po klubam i vecherinkam, dlya kogo to borot'sya s prestupnostyu, dlya kogo to osversat' eti pristupleniya (navernoe dlya togo chto by predyduschey gruppe lyudey bylo s kem borot'sya ), dlya kogo-to menyat' istoriyu, i ne vazhno v kakuyu storonu khudshuyu ili luchshuyu, glavnoe chtoby ostavit' svoe imya v istorii, dlya kogo to sozdat' prochnuyu semyu i prozhit' tihuyu spokoynuyu zhizn', dlya kogo to razvlekat' lyudey, dlya kogo to kopat'sya v informatsii chto by nayti pravdu (no pravda li eto?), dlya kogo to prosto khodit' po kanatu (v bukval'nom smysle), riskovat' svoey zhiznyu, no zato oschutit' vsyu svoyu vysotu i poznat' ostroe oschuschenie kotoroe on/a nizachto ne uznal by prosto khodya po zemle, dlya kogo izobretat' mashinu, dlya kogo to vodit' eyo tak chtoby u drugikh dusha by ushla v pyatki pri takoy skorosti, dlya kogo to poznat' prirodu i berech' eyo, dlya kogo to oblegchit' sebe zhizn' (prichem eto mozhet vesti k zagryazneniyu prirody)... Vobschem, vsego ne perechislit'. U zhizni net kakogo to odnogo smysla. Vyzhit'? A radi chego? Radi togo shto by zhit'... A dlya chego togda zhit'? Zhit' chtoby vyzhit' i vyzhit' chto by zhit? Smysl nuzhen i dlya togo pochemu nado vyzhit'. Ved' kogda to, rano ili pozdno, smert' vse rvno pridet, i vse eto prekrasno ponimayut, no vuzhit' eto prosto navyaschivaya ideya dlya lyudey. Ya ne zhivu prosto dlya togo chto by vyzhit', vyzhit' eto to chto nado dlya togo chto by dobit'sya tseli svoey zhizni. Ya by ne khotela zhit' dolgo. Ya smotryu tut 9i ne tol'ko tut) na starykh lyudey, i mne sovsem ne khochetsya yt' takimi kk oni. Zachem takaya zhizn' nuzhna? Eto u nikh i est' vyzhivanie, no zachem eto? Zhit' nado dlya togo chto by byt' nuzhnym komu to, dlya menya eto i est' smysl zhizni, byt' nuzhnym komu to! Ne byt' odinokim, i ne dat' komu to byt' odinokim. I ya by skazala chto prichinoy moego nezhelaniya dolgo zhit' eto ne prosto vozrast, a chuvstvo togo chto ty ne nuzhna nikomu, ty dazhe ne mozhesh' sama o sebe pozabotit'sya, i kak by oni tebya ne lyubili, chuvstvo togo chto ty v tyagost' drugim ne ostavit tebya, dazhe esli te kto o tebe zabotytsya tak ne dumayut, esli dazhe oni rady prosto tomu chto ty zhiv... Nezavisimost', vot chego ya khochu! Eto tozhe smysl moey zhizni: Zhit' nezavisimo i na vse sto! Raz uzh zhizn' nam dana, to nado eyo prozhit' tak chto by ne bylo v ney pustoty... Bol' gorazdo legche perenesti chem pustotu.

Khotya, kto ya takaya chto by sudit' o smysle zhizni!

Take care,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Feb-2001 03:49 PM
 Re: Vopros
Ecclesiastes 1

1 The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
2 "" Vanity of vanities,'' says the Preacher, "" Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.''
3 What advantage does man have in all his work Which he does under the sun?
4 A generation goes and a generation comes, But the earth remains forever.
5 Also, the sun rises and the sun sets; And hastening to its place it rises there again.
6 Blowing toward the south, Then turning toward the north, The wind continues swirling along; And on its circular courses the wind returns.
7 All the rivers flow into the sea, Yet the sea is not full. To the place where the rivers flow, There they flow again.
8 All things are wearisome; Man is not able to tell it. The eye is not satisfied with seeing, Nor is the ear filled with hearing.
9 That which has been is that which will be, And that which has been done is that which will be done. So there is nothing new under the sun.
10 Is there anything of which one might say, ""See this, it is new''? Already it has existed for ages Which were before us.
11 There is no remembrance of earlier things; And also of the later things which will occur, There will be for them no remembrance Among those who will come
later still.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Feb-2001 04:50 PM
 Re: Vopros
Cho vy kak deti malenkie!!
Zhyvotnye my vse, zhyvotnye, tipichnye skoty i skotinki ;-) osobenno pacany. Hto ne soglasen puskay podumayet, cheho v zhyzni v svoi 20 on/ona bolee vsego hochet, i kapie instinkty bolee vseho razvity, toko shoby chesno podumali, ne prikryvayas vyshymi materiyami.
Vse tema zakryta, no more room for discussion.
:-))) hehehehe.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Feb-2001 06:18 PM
 Re: Vopros
Esli my zhivotnye to mozhet i zhit' ne stoit?
Chto eta za mutatsia takaya, kotoraya i sama zhit' ne umeet i drugim ne daet?
Mozhet nas kak rakovuyu opuhol' udalit' nada?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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