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18-Oct-2000 02:54 PM
  A new question!!!
Hello, everyone!!!

I wonna ask how many of us have got bikes here, in the US? This matter is quite interesting for me, since as fas as I know only a few people do. If you do have a bike, will you tell me how you obtained it.

Here is my experience in that. I askd my roommate about a bike. And for luck, he had one. But you know - it is no use buying a bike here, especially a new one. The price is f high - $100-150 (a one-month-scholarship amount of money!). The thing I did is just arranged to lease it. It solves any problem related to this matter. Firstly, it saves me the uncertainty that I will not sell it when I leave America - so, I am not going to lose my money presenting the bike to somebody for nothing. Secondly, it is much cheaper - around $40-50 for a one-year lease contract (joke - we did not sign any contract, rather it was an expressed one, but it is still enforceable).

Ok, waiting for your replies.

Igor from hot MS.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Oct-2000 05:34 PM
 Re: A new question!!!
A used bike in Lincoln is 20$. A new one is about the same. In winter the bikes are useless - you better think of a tractor
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Oct-2000 08:26 PM
 Re: A new question!!!

[ This message was edited by: Igor_Proper on: 10-18-2000 19:49 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Oct-2000 08:34 PM
 Re: A new question!!!
hey, Bella, your reply seems to be quite "funny". Thanks for maintaining my ideas...

by the way, it is going to be a cold winter in Lincoln, but here, in MS, the winter will be warm and nice - and i will not need any tractor, i can easily use my bike all year around. but it is a good idea - keep it in mind, because when winter comes in Lincoln, you will need some means of transportation.

Igor from hot MS.

[ This message was edited by: Igor_Proper on: 10-18-2000 19:48 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Oct-2000 11:39 PM
 Re: A new question!!!
Igor, tebe mozhet eto i smeshno, no pover' esli by ty dumal o tom zhe o chem my, to tebe bylo by sovsem ne smeshno. A my dumaem, kak zhe my tut zimu provedyom, esli sneg budet vyshe pervogo etazha. Tak vot vopros: A nad etim ty zadumalsya?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Oct-2000 12:40 AM
 Re: A new question!!!
Hey, dudes from the states, where the winter is going to be rather cold and snowy!!! I am sorry for you, but you have got an advantage over us: you will not miss coldness and snow while South states and me in particular will. And the following peice of advice will be of great help for you: gotovte sani s leta!!! It means buy all warm clothes now, do not wait till the winter, prepare your mind now for the fact that you are going to have a f cold winter so that it is not a shock for you then. After all, maybe I will ask you to post me some snow (ha x 3 times!!!). Do not get offended, you will cope with it easily.

Igor from hot (even in winter) MS.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Oct-2000 02:08 AM
 Re: A new question!!!
A shto, Igorek! Idea mne nravitsa! Zakazyvay sneg letom! T.e. seychas! A to razberut!;)

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Nurbek ltd. is a registered trademark. Any part of this text may be copied, printed, and distributed with the written permission of the author!;)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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