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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
17-Sep-2000 02:22 AM
  BCEM!!!!!BCEM!!!!BCEM!!!!!JOBS INFO!!!!!
Vopros na zasupku!!!!! Naschet rabotu!!! esli est' rabota, daje na campuse - no kotoraya malo shto has to do with my major, to luche ACTR pro eto vobche ne govorit'????

A esli rabota offcampus????? kakaya veroyatnost' togo shto pro eto pronyuhaet ACTR? i kakie penalties mogut posledovat'?
Echo vajnuy moment - ACTR mojet kakto kontrolirovat' moe finansovoe sostoyanie? Ego ne zainteresuet esli u menya tam vdrug poyavyatsya krupnue sumu?
Vobchem u kogo est' uje podobnuy experience to pishite!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Sep-2000 05:45 AM
 Re: BCEM!!!!!BCEM!!!!BCEM!!!!!JOBS INFO!!!!!
Stas nashyol raboty on-campus absolyutno ne svyazannuyu s yego major (sidit na "front desk") i yemu ACCELS razreshil. Nado tol'ko, chtoby rabota byla "ofisnaya".
Chto kasayetsya raboty off-campus, to boyus' tebya ogorchit', no skoreye vsego ACCELS uznayet, no yeschyo bystreye uznayet Immigratzionnaya sluzhba i togda - "Goodbye, America, wow, gde ya ne budu nikogda, proschay navsegda..."
Tak chto luchshe Neo ne igray s ognyom, ty nam ochen' nuzhen sdes', a ne v Ukraine.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

Community Moderators: Neo, LILKA
The time now is: Wed Sep 01:09 am
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