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23-Jan-2001 04:31 AM
  Save The Last Dance
Vsem privet, rebyata!
How was everyone's break?? Mine was awesome. I got back yesterday, and my classes don't start till the day after tomorrow, so I went to see the above-mentioned movies tonight.
Guys, I'm so impressed. That was such a cooooooool movie, SLAMMIN'. Anyone who's seen the movie will understand.
Guys, if any of you are into hip-hop, dancing or like making friends with African-Americans, YOU GOTTA SEE THE THING!!!!!! And then tell me what you thought about it.
As a second thought, pochemy nash, verneye vash, da chyort s nim chey on ni bil, chat room, I mean, pochemu pustuyet??? I'll be there waiting for you people.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Jan-2001 03:26 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
u know what. african-american is to nice word for those people. they r not deserved such a respect to be called in that way. they were, they r and they r gonna be niggaz, nigers or negros. that's all. i wasn't racist till i come here. moreover till i come here, i thought that they r also human beings, however i c they r just nigazzzzzzzz. they all have to be turned to the slaves again. i hope guys u all met with their attitudes and behaviours. thus i don't believe much that most of u liked them. may be just those of u who r females. u know what am sayin'. i mean u r kind a fascinated with their king size tails, however that's not means much.....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Jan-2001 05:53 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
I do not agree with most of what you said but it's your opinion, everyone's entitle to a right to their own opinion. But watch it you might get into trouble for that... It's not the way you want to go back and lead our newly independent countries.
And being female has nothing to do with this. This is my second year of life in America and for the second time I am in close friendship with African-Americans (yes, that's how you should refer to them, no matter what your opinion might be) and have seen nothing but good and fun time from them.
Any other opinions????
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Jan-2001 06:41 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Dear Alincho!

Rasism has been a problem in USA for a long time, and I am sick and tired of it.
You are a great person, and that is why you are not racist; you are right when saying that being male or female does not matter in this kind of questions - it is not a matter of gender, rather of attitude and conscience.

See you in chat!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

24-Jan-2001 07:12 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Aa, hm, khm... I agree with the gals, however I don't think I can say what is my attitude towards them, I live up in north in a really small town, and I rarely see them here (I can even say that there are no more than 10 African Americans in our University, well, there might be a bit more, but not much, I personally have seen just 4 of them, i to iz daleka).
Well, anyways, I have an opinion about Native Americans: They look (according to their clothes) like all other people, no oni tut vytvoryayut cherti chto! I wouldn't wanna know any of them, however I have nothing to say against them, and I think that they are still people, and should be treated as all the others (they are not treated like all the others, they have too much freedom, and that is what's bad about them, result - no intelligence).

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 01:25 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Roxy, you do not stop impressing me. The last reply is just the point: as usual you are right about "intelligence" in the USA. But, this is not just an american problem, look at England, oe Germany )))

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 01:30 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
O-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-hoooooooooo!!!!..... Hottie, hottie, hottie!!!!... Yo people, wanna me join your discussion, you know what I'm sayin'?!...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 04:19 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
I can see why you guys wouldn't want to know them, because you think they are sketchy and obnoxious and all they do is drugs, gangs and violence, but that's not true at all. I mean everything has reasons. I think these people are just in a vicious circle, in a terrible cycle that just doesn't stop.
I can tell you about the small percentage of A/A's in my college. My university is a private and very prestigeous institution, which makes it a little bit worse in these matters (people are snobby). The only A/A's that come here are mainly from wealthy family's and they are ok. They still have their own culture, their own talk (which I just love by the way) and this AMAZING sense of rythm (a little bit off the topic, forgive me and they are just sweet people. they are in many cases very much like Armenians (affectionate, emotional, hot-headed) but by no means "bad" by birth.
I guess their life is pretty hard, and it's been pretty hard. And white people still think they are superior, even if it's hidden deep in their hearts or subconscience. I can say that I"m free from that, because I've had a black boyfriend whom I loved, really loved, and I got to know his family his friends, and they were sweet people...
So, please let's stop generalizing, and be fair. There are so many white criminals, but often they are not as salient, as the black ones (in your case, Kom, it might be because there are so few of them around).
Pardon my excessive verbosness, I just said what was in my heart....
PS. DOrinka, spasibo za podderjku. And Yerkin, why don't you join the discussion too?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 08:17 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Hmm, guys, what a hot topic you are discussing here.
OK, let's talk about black-white problem.
I personally don't have anything against A/A's. I like their music (t.e. RAP), I like the way they talk. And still I must admit that A/A's does have black side of their culture. And probably it's partly their fault as well that they are considered to be "gangstas".
As one of my friend said, A/A's do nothing to break that attitude about them which exists in American society. Yes, they were slaves. But why should they always emphasize that? Let's take for example the word "nigga". This word originally comes from "nigger"-
the way slaves were called in the past. But even when the slavery became history, A/A's still call themselves slaves in slightly different form.
And for those who saw movie "Save the last dance".
Remember the words of that guy that was arrested at the end? "I'm from this neighborhood and that's why I must behave in the way I do" (sorry, I don't remember exact words, but something like this). And most of A/A's think in the same way. They say that they will never be equal to white america, because they will always be treated like slaves. Perhaps it's true. But there are many examples of A/A's who achieved something in this life, neglecting the prejudice that plays against them.

As for Casper's words. Yzh ochen' on mne napominaet Rysa, kotoriy byl samoi popyliarnoi personoi po chasti skandalov v nashem chate v proshlom stoletii.

RYS is BACK???!!!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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